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Everything posted by TCP

  1. RIP Montreal, maybe next year the Canucks will fuck me over again and I can root for you dudes once more. Anyone else dreading the off season? What am I going to do every night??? Make friends again? Nah. Clark, The Canadian Hockey Goalie was great though, but for the record, I don't know where Americans get "hoser" from, I have never ever heard someone seriously say "hoser" in my life. That said, I may have to start saying out, just cause. That goal epitomized the Maple Leafs this season (and almost every season). I feel guilty but every time I see that, it makes me happy.
  2. I think they made a mistake not playing Price but oh well, he'll be well rested now. I doubt there's any sort of a bias, if anything, teams with players like Ovechkin and Crosby would get a bias because those players = higher ratings, which the NHL wants in the States. Canadians will watch hockey regardless if it's with a Canadian team or not in the finals. The NHL would be better off with more American teams if they want to continue their arrangement with NBC. And don't forget that very questionable call the Canadiens received with 3 minutes left during a tied game. Do you guys get the World
  3. That theory makes sense. Maybe, if it's true, we'll see the survivors find out about this and that's why Hurley thinks they're all dead but don't realize it.
  4. I liked it... (I went to my sisters and watched it on satellite three hours early) not as good as last episode though. I think these types of episodes are important though, I just wish they'd have Jack and Christen finally meet, after all that build up. Jack said something interesting though... "you're not even related to him!!!", he must know that Aaron is his nephew. The conversations in seemingly unimportant scenes like when Bernard and Rose were talking about the island are probably important clues to the mythology of the island. Anyone else see a possible parallel between Jack, Claire, a
  5. I don't know man, I'm a Canucks fan, I've seen goaltenders steal A LOT of games!! But I guess at the end of the day, they just need to get their act together. I don't know what's going on but the coach needs to step in and do something about it because they're not playing like themselves. In other news WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS STARTS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Just watch! Price will come out, rejuvenated, and steal the next three games for them!
  7. I'm just curious as to which songs from One Chord To Another you dislike. That's one of the few albums that I LOVE every track on it, from front to back.
  8. Horay! You are no longer in your 20s, today you are a man!!!
  9. No problem!! Anyone who likes hockey or Wilco is ok books. Unless they are Leaf fans, of course!! The Habs are NOT looking like the Stanley Cup champions they should be. The Pens on the other hand, do. I wouldn't be surprised if they go all the way this year, I don't know how much longer they can hold onto both Crosby and Malkin (nevermind Hossa as well) so it's either now or never! I've said this before and I'll say it again, they're almost like the Oilers of the late 80s (or as close as you can get to that). I don't like Sean Avery... I think he's a great hockey player but he needs to lose
  10. What?! I seriously thought I remembered him dying a few years ago!
  11. Umm, okay, I wasn't trying to offend you. You don't have to be a jerk. No, no bandwagon! It's just if the team I am rooting for gets eliminated I like to have another team to root for.
  12. I wonder how many survivors are left now... hmm
  13. It's a pretty commonly known fact that a lot of the world doesn't like America. Goes with the territory, I suppose. I think it's kind of immature to boo their anthem but it's not like American fans have never booed the Canadian anthem. Ob la di, ob la da. Anyways, this Rangers vs Penguins series is really really good. What a great match up. The Pens will be my 3rd back up, after Canucks, Flames, and Canadiens. I'm fairly sure I'm bad luck for any team.
  14. The west is just very, very, close. Especially the North West Division. The east has a lot of hot shot forwards but the west is ruled by elite goaltenders. So I think a lot of these things, such as the Sharks vs the Stars, just depend on how hot your goaltender currently is.
  15. OR they could be the best team in the eastern conference... You guys are getting really bitter... They're the first seed in the east, they have one of the best goalies, they had the best power play of the regular season, and Kovalev is one of the elite forwards in the league. I told you that they would lose to Boston, in fact no one but Bruins fans thought Boston had any chance.
  16. Yeah the officiating has been terrible in both rounds so far. Almost makes me feel like they're doing something like the basketball referees.
  17. I don't know what a 7th inning stretch is but I imagine something like this is more Jeff's style.
  18. Dammit! We need a new WHA!!! Let's do this guys, a new Via Chicago project. Starting teams: Seattle Sonics (in tribute to their old basketball team) Portland Pandas (I'm not good at thinking names, we can change this after) Winnipeg Jets Deux Hartford Whalers Dos Hamilton Leaf Eaters Maritime Acadians Someone lure Brett Hull out of retirement to join the league.
  19. I agree with that list! Except not with The Wild. As much as I hate them, they are in the "state of hockey" and they've sold out every home game ever. I miss the Jets so much. I'm actually trying to find a Jets jersey.
  20. Horay!!!! Now if only we could go back in time and prevent Genesis from ever getting together.
  21. Every team has players that dive. I can remember numerous times in that series that Boston players dived. I'm not a brainwashed Habs fan (I'm a brainwashed Canucks fan), so I can say this without a "omg-I-love-them" bias or "omg-they-beat-my-favorite-team,-those-jerks" bias, they are a fun team to watch play, with a lot of good scorers. If you don't like them, then don't ever watch the Wild, that'll anger you beyond belief.
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