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Everything posted by HighFives

  1. ditto. the only thing I wouldn't like is concert tickets would be more.
  2. i have california strs http://www.sendspace.com/file/80by05
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/WILCO-Sky-Blue-Sky-NEW...1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. will this work w/ the cd that came with the vinyl?
  5. Gavin Bryars - The Sinking of the Titanic
  6. I don't see why it matter if something is on the album or not so long as you are able to get the track. maybe its just me tho...
  7. indie coalition stores got a bonus disk w/ one true vine and theologians outtake from Kicking tv
  8. Ha Expirimental Jet Set and Evol are my two favourites just under 1000 leaves.
  9. I was pissed FYE didn't have it. just the cd. Now I have to wait til tomorrow to get it.
  10. I thought wilco was on letterman tomorrow. unless you mean you were just waiting for letterman not because of wilco...
  11. pavement's prolly just under wilco on my favourite bands list and I didn't notice it either. I guess I can kinda see it now...
  12. Yoshimi is only like half concept.
  13. yeah but the initial post wasn't about mtv as much as it was about how cool it'd be for an unplugged all acoustic set.
  14. that'd be a cool show to hear/see. I love Neil Young's preformance on there.
  15. aren't all radiohead's songs about paranoia? AH! the sky is falling the world is going to end! We hate major corporations but we're signed by capital records!
  16. I was thinking the same thing.
  17. you'll be able to get it by tuesday on the net I am sure.
  18. I'm glad its not on the record either but I am glad its available
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