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Everything posted by HighFives

  1. shit my work does not have stupid quicktime.
  2. you could do an AIM chat. like we did for the 9:30 show. I wouldn't be able to join tho since I am at work.
  3. Yeah I figured that much but wasn't sure if it would be different durring the actual live part of it. Since the 9:30 club show ran live then you could listen to it later.
  4. if you pause the show will it start where you left off? Or will it just keep running live? I'm working then and fear I will have to miss out some parts when I have to do actual work.
  5. that'd be cool. I would buy both any way tho. It'd be cool if there was a non cd bonus or something with the vinyl.
  6. haha you should be fine. its there prolly every week. I keep checking wilco lps so I can try and get AM for under 50. Also my being there vinyl sounds fine. Wasn't blown away by the sound or anything but no complaints. no glitch on misunderstood either.
  7. well as long as you liked them before they were cool
  8. They were playing Jesus Etc. on the radio before september 11th on some stations if I remember correctly. Not that that has much to do with your question.
  9. ?????????? am I missing something?
  10. yeah get eggs. and if some one tells you to get bowl of fire don't worry its the same thing as mysterious production of eggs. I think the Artist title is Andrew Bird and the Mysterious Production of Eggs and the actual album name is Bowl of Fire.
  11. how I didn't think of that I will never know.
  12. is there more than one recording of this show cuz the one I have is up to par with most other AUD wilco boots I have. Nothing really compared to soundboard ofcourse but its not bad by any means.
  13. it has nothing to do with the length I just don't like it sounds really emo/whiney to me I dunno to teach his own I suppose. Atleast you're gonna be on the album!
  14. yeah sweet deal that'll help thanks.
  15. I use easy audio converter and they don't have any SHN codecs. I don't really want to spend money buying a new converter just for SHN files. oh well thanks any way. I have the other two shows from that week and just needed that one to complete that little group. I'll prolly be able to get a hold of it eventually.
  16. my parents love this album.
  17. No. that ones fine. Why would you assume that?
  18. that is prolly the worst album name I have ever heard.
  19. that's fine. I would take em in mp3 if you wouldn't mind....
  20. werd up owl. Do you have that Tweedy show from January 8th 2003 in flac? I don't have a SHN player.
  21. it's a great soundtrack. Definitely worth picking up. I think there are maybe two songs on it I don't like. And they don't have anything to do with Wilco.
  22. Is that from the Tweedy solo show? or is it full band? I only have the tweedy version. If they even played it live as a full band I wouldn't know.
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