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lost highway

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Everything posted by lost highway

  1. You guys are long way away from the party of Eisenhower these days.
  2. Totally! The government through the lens of business myth is one of the most pervasive, wrongheaded ideologies of our time. I see it in education all the time. "This school is struggling? Let's run it like Walmart, they're successful! "
  3. This right here is the challenge. Reasonable Republicans rightfully shudder at how awful he is. They're stuck voting along side some yokels who eat up his garbage. Trump is the most divisive figure amongst the right wingers for some time. Could Jeb or Rubio bring them all together?
  4. He's been tweeting clips from the studio. You can see/hear them over at Pitchfork. It sounds amazing!
  5. Thanks guys, that explains things much more clearly for me.
  6. Do the other networks get to pick who gets in the debate?
  7. See, that just makes the networks look partisan to me. It's bullshit. We need a radical centrist, objective, mainstream media source.... I mean other than C-SPAN.
  8. Maybe this is not even a tripping hazard for the more cynical among us, but is it not a total affront to Fox's claim of "fair and balanced" that they're literally running the GOP debate, with nothing at all similar to present the democratic hopefuls?
  9. I like the QOTSA comparison, because it's warranted and kind of a surprising connection, so that's insightful.
  10. Woke up with a birthday hangover at 5am to take my wife to the triathlon to fight breast cancer, then came home to call in to the city for final inspection of the studio/garage I've been building in my backyard.
  11. Oh google translate. You almost replace humans except for your inability to deal with pronouns and idioms. I'll try my skills on the pull quote: "Although the closing track 'Magnetized' evokes gazing at the past glories of Abbey Road, the general sensation this record leaves you with is that we're in front of a minor work, perhaps a transition, only they will know to where." That last phrase is bugging me, but.... ya know.
  12. ^ Thank you. That's the most rational least grandstanding analysis I've seen yet.
  13. I'm trying to figure out what all of the snippets of our national dialogue are telling us about how our country is thinking right now. We've had more gratuitous examples of police brutality and overuse of force/deadly force, and then we have this dentist asshole who killed this lion. And everyone gets really pissed off at the guy. And then everyone else gets really mad at people for caring about the lion when they should be upset about something else (consumption of animals, abortion, starving Africans, global warming, the Iran deal). Sorry, my facebook feed is a mess right now with Cecil
  14. I mostly buy vinyl, but I listen to a lot of mp3s, as do a lot of people who say that cds suck, which is ironic.
  15. If it goes through and is properly implemented it will keep Iran nuke free for 15 years. I agree that they're sketchy, but what would you do? Topple their military, build a democracy putting moderates in office and train a new military to defend them against extremist revolutionaries?
  16. I forgot Dexter Fowler went to Chicago. I was sad when he left us too.
  17. Taste the Ceiling occupies a similar space to You and I, but I think it's better. I like Feist too, just a better tune for the easy going 70s pop number. Part of it is the rhythm on the bridge (on the "I know why" part) with the little gap before a very tasteful guitar solo. It's good.
  18. We've been bracing ourselves for Tulo's exit for the last two seasons. I love the guy, but he's a costly player who's prone to injuries and slumps. At least he didn't go to the Yankees.
  19. Yeah, my band has taken a very small margin on our LP, which is an easier ideal to hold up when you've only invested in a few hundred copies and it's not your job. The saddest thing is the horrifically slow turn around from the plants. Bigger orders can push things through (like Wilco) but the DIY folks have to wait for half a year.
  20. Great interview. I'm still hungry for more Star Wars specific discussion.
  21. Your Cubbies could be the way we get the Rox back on top of the Diamond Backs and the slumping Padres. But don't worry, even if the Rockies can maintain competence (fingers crossed) the Cubs get to play the Brewers after that. Really a pretty easy couple of series for Chicago.
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