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lost highway

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Everything posted by lost highway

  1. I'm a full time 4th and 5th grade teacher and a part time recording engineer.
  2. It has at least two really good songs sandwiched between the crap.
  3. I understand, Louie. I understand.
  4. My favorite moment was when they finished discussing stressful stock market news and then said "Maybe some music from our special guests can cheer us up." Cut to searing noise jam, REEEEEEEEE, the time now is 620 AM.
  5. I think my difficulty with it is that Chris Broach, to his credit, actually learned how to sing instead of just shouting "yeah!". His new singing voice severely changes the character of the band when he sings lead, which seemed like 60% of the time on the new record. I still dig the Bob tunes though.
  6. My question is how can we exploit our own resources more carefully? The economy has simultaneously disinsentivised extraction and environmental precaution. Everyone loses. Off to the side, wind and solar have come a long way in the last decade. The home solar market has been expanding since the rise of entrepreneurial companies in that niche offering more affordable panel technology. Once someone corners the market on a viable storage battery I think we'll see a lot of people going off the grid. Ideally this is the century where we transition off of oil and coal.
  7. I've been thinking about regulation of big oil and our energy policy. Aside from the environmental concerns such as high levels of methane gas (the worst green house gas) from fracking (they're just burning the stuff in ND wells instead of canning it and selling it), it hasn't been working economically the way we are lead to believe. Recent studies have indicated the surplus of American oil has harmed Colorado's economy. They're shutting down drills as the price has fallen to half. I'm paying $2.80 at the pump which is decent but not what you'd expect from a job siphoning surplus. There are
  8. Didn't the GOP resolve to get Latinos behind them after O got reelected? If that was as important as the analysts said they're off to a failing start.
  9. Weezer: everything after Pinkerton. Also, Braid did not need to reunite. 'No Coast' should be redacted.
  10. I'm liking it. It's on the mellow side of ylt's massive range.
  11. Cool thanks. I've made a conscious effort over the years to get to know the gbv classics, and I even worked through the reunion albums to put together a 25 track 'best of' for that era (which is still not quite as good). I suppose it's time to get to know the solo stuff better.
  12. Yay a story! Thanks! The most surprising thing- and I love to read about their process- is that people recorded their parts in overdubs piecemeal. It sounds like such a live performance, jam album. I suppose some of that comes with members being new to the songs and reacting while the tape is rolling.
  13. Remember when we left Vietnam prematurely?
  14. I heard another bit on this from npr. Granted it was the first substantive foreign policy statement from a candidate that most people heard, but I found how beautifully npr took him to task felt pretty partisan. Basically, they played through each of Jeb's proposals for dealing with ISIS and quoted recent military intelligence demonstrating how ineffective each idea is. Then they closed with Jeb defending water boarding. He may be able to speak Spanish, but he's telling the same tale that his brother did.
  15. Sorry to cut in... I've heard Honey Locust- is one of his best. Do ya'll agree?
  16. As a nation I think we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard than our potential enemies. If ill will warrented war we'd be knee deep in N. Korea and Russia. No sane American would ever want to throw away lives in an ill-advised war on Iran which bares more than a passing resemblance to our recent follies, ones which cost the lives of far too many American soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians.
  17. Well the Germany story is tough because on the one side the U.S. almost WAS the west German government initially which shows how essential we were in the development of today's prosperous and peaceful social democracy that is Germany. But then again take out the Berlin Wall tension and it might have been a less severe Cold War. All speculation aside, this shows that when you topple a government, if you expect stability, you're on the hook for a half century. This hard-won wisdom was horrifically absent from the Bush doctrine and the American mythos surrounding the prospect of invasion. The U
  18. We also have our own, more subtle propaganda machine quietly stoking the flames of Islamophobia in the U.S.
  19. I think Normal Happiness is rad. I like it better than half of the reformed gbv albums.
  20. I heard Jeb on npr saying how he wanted to beef up the military presence in Iraq, which I think includes boots on the ground.
  21. I can't believe there have been NO interviews for this album yet. I'm starting to think the whole release was about skipping all of the things they didn't like about releasing a record, and having the same conversation with a dozen journalists was one of them.
  22. It's interesting that Jeb is the only serious contender for the GOP who's admitted that climate change is real, affected by humans, and says there should be policy to address it. http://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/08/11/429781692/where-presidential-candidates-stand-on-climate-change
  23. Not exactly. They're not what you'd call a top-down organization.
  24. Powell is another example of what I think a Republican should be. Granted, I'm a progressive so no one cares, but I think the endangered species of intellectual right, fiscal conservative/social liberal, moderate Republican will always have an important role in the national dialog. Someone has to trim the fat!
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