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Everything posted by fickerson

  1. we watched this last night: i expected it to be more sci-fi-y, and was surprised to find some great social commentary of post-world war II american fear-mongering. ahead of its time, in a way.
  2. the last time i saw my (crazy, jewish) grandmother, she told me about how every time she re-subscribes to the new yorker, she absolutely refuses to let them increase the price. and apparently, after an undetermined amount of haggling, she always gets her way. i have no idea how, but i'd say it has to do with the fact that she's been a subscriber for 50+ years, and that the woman is damned stubborn if nothing else. we got her a subscription to dissent magazine for christmas. our household is now apparently getting the daily wall street journal (no clue why, though) and anthropologie, j. cr
  3. or stop by my house and say hi, cause as it stands now i won't be there.
  4. 1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before? fell in love, learned about real loss. 2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? don't make 'em 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? a couple friends 4. Did anyone close to you die? yes 5. What countries did you visit? thailand, laos, cambodia, japan (the airport, at least) 6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? a job that i actually enjoy, stability, a plan for the future 7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? august 13, my dear grandma
  5. don't have time, i'm at work (which is why i wasn't able to get them earlier, ugh). i'm going to b-side tonight though, so maybe i can do some groveling. um, where?
  6. dammit. how did that sell out so fast? anyone have any extras?!
  7. i might have posted these before, but as long as we're talkin' babies... my niece hannah and me: hannah, me, and her mom:
  8. well, i voted against the gay marriage ban and it passed, so that sucks. i have to say though, barring that issue, i feel pretty good about things today. a huge difference from how i felt in 2004, when i worked on the election. devoting 60-70 hour weeks to getting an idiot out of office, then having him re-elected and losing your state really kicks the shit out of you. i think i cried for like, three days straight. we won in our district by a higher margin than anyone expected, though, and that was really all we could do.
  9. hell yeah! see ya later jim leach, don't let the door hitcha on the way out!
  10. herb kohl by a landslide, governor doyle (d) is holding on by a hair, my girl tammy baldwin's gonna win, so much for a fair wisconsin and my boyfriend's about to give his concession speech.
  11. i almost flew home a day early from a month in south america to go to that show. incidentally, i did not, and my first show was not until almost a year later - summerfest in milwaukee, 7.3.03
  12. i voted. and my polling place was positively hopping at 7:30 AM. it could just be my uber-liberal, yupster neighborhood, but it looks to be a nice turnout in wisconsin at least.
  13. there was a segment on this american life not too long ago, wherein ira glass basically yelled at john kerry and told him to shut up and go away. i'm too lazy to look for it, but it was pretty funny.
  14. apparently every major character who's been killed off has appeared on Regis & Kelly the next day, so if you want to know, check out the guest for next Thursday. If it's true, it does not make me happy.
  15. someone's getting killed next week, and i'm pretty sure i know who.
  16. i have frightened my roommates several times over the last week or two by screaming at the tv every time they show him.
  17. Opening Credits: Muzzle of Bees (live) - Wilco Waking Up: The Blankest Year - Nada Surf Monday: Tell me that it isn't true - Bob Dylan Fight Song: I've changed my plea to guilty - colin meloy Breaking up: King of carrot flowers pt 1 - neutral milk hotel Prom: Monkey gone to heaven - The Pixies Life: Lived in bars - Cat Power (nice one...) Mental Breakdown: Victory Garden - Galaxie 500 Driving: One Song Glory - RENT Flashback: Paranoid Android - Radiohead Getting Back Together: Arc of Time - Bright Eyes Wedding: Say Yes - Elliot Smith Birth of Child: I'm so tired - The B
  18. oh snap i am quoted in the thread title! this is so exciting.
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