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Everything posted by mollyegan

  1. Yes, it's true (at least in Seattle)!! They also threw in a few songs including "What Happens When the Heart Just Stops." The encore was amazing..."Forever Young." *Random side note: Our seats were in the second balcony...but at least they were better than Bill Gates' seats. He sat four rows behind us in the nosebleeds!
  2. Thanks for the link...I love this movie. I haven't seen it in ages, though....
  3. This comes up quite a bit....I have always thought Emile Hirsch would be a great Tweedy. Here's the rest of the cast: Via Chicago 'Wilco Movie' thread
  4. I've become a big fan of Earth shoes...very comfortable. Plus, they were designed by a yoga instructor- they have a "negative heel" that makes you stand up straight. They are the ultimate in hippie-chic....vegan and everything. Earth shoes
  5. Jason Segel is a very brave man. Or a very cocky one (no pun). Loved it.
  6. One of my favorite songs on the album...and has been in HEAVY rotation as of late. Brilliant.
  7. I haven't seen a thread about this yet...forgive me if this is a duplicate. I hadn't heard about this until this morning...looks really interesting (and check out the soundtrack). Body of War Has anyone seen it or know anything about it?
  8. Which brings me to.....#453. You've considered starting up a dating website....wilcomatch.com. (Only partially joking there...it's not necessarily a requirement for me, but it would be nice to share something that is such a big part of my life.)
  9. So if I count correctly.. 16. You know the EXACT place to do the 'hand chop-cut off deal' on Heavy Metal Drummer and you involuntarily do it every time you hear the song....
  10. I love you. That's great. I also have that lanyard...I'm a teacher and use that for my keys, while I carry my clipboard which is covered in kexp stickers, on top of which I have Wilco stickers and a few Pearl Jam stickers. My students joke that I have Wilco gagged and bound in my trunk. If only..."You'll play Via Chicago and LIKE it."
  11. 1. Your handle on every board you frequent is cleverly related to Wilco. 2. You compulsively check out Via Chicago for new news. 3. You know that Spencer really did ad-lib the "It will help you rock efficiently" line in the Quaker Oats commercial. 4. Your computer contains a separate file for Wilco photos. 5. You shelled out $9 just to buy A new Wilco song from the Heroes Soundtrack.
  12. amazon That was weird...for some reason I had a lot of trouble finding it too...but there you go!
  13. I actually don't care that much either way...maybe that's a lie. I kind of enjoy randomly hearing music I like at unexpected times. I certainly didn't mean to beat that dead horse, either. It just reminded me of Danny's blog is all. So carry on, folks. Nothing to see here!
  14. So I'm sure that we've all seen the new Land Rover ads with The Flaming Lips' "Do You Realize??" off Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. Can't really throw stones there...ahem. But I just about died last night watching late night T.V. Hand to god...a Kraft Salad Dressing commercial with "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (With All Your Power)" off At War With the Mystics (it may have been a different song-but definitely off that album). I was immediately reminded of Danny Miller's rebuttal to "the V.W. controversy." "you
  15. I am a newbie to the show-I liked it...though I have long claimed that Tweedy was a deity. Proof positive.
  16. It's truly epidemic: Wear a shirt! (scroll down...)
  17. And kudos for that. Floyd might be my favorite member of The Electric Mayhem. Well done.
  18. I have never known anyone who has been happy with a Jeep. I LOATHED mine. Doesn't matter the year, make, etc. I will never ever ever buy one again. I currently drive a hand-me-down Mercedes while my baby (a '79 Champagne Edition convertible Volkswagen Bug) is in a coma. My family and I have been happy with the latter two companies.
  19. Eradicator and I just had a brief discussion about mine....Classic Kids in the Hall sketch:
  20. Good catch! It is indeed. That is from one of my favorite KITH sketches..."Sausages." It is THE weirdest, creepiest, most bizarre sketch I've seen from them. And that's really saying something. KITH Sausages
  21. *Just received an email from their mailing list: we've got a new single out today. it's called 'i box up all the butterflies'. and it doesn't cost anything at all. you can just have it. for nothing. it's available to download now from here http://www.sign-up.to/signup.php?fid=731&pid=1257 or you can download it from our myspace page or our website. all you have to do is sign up to our mailing list, which, if you've just received this email you must already be on. but i'm afraid you'll still have to go through the signing up process to get the free download with all the artwork. don't
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