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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Rosie - I'm really enjoying this. Kudos!!! EDIT: Art Tatum!
  2. Oh Lord yes. Midnight to 6AM on Saturday night/Sunday morning - you know, for us late night freaks.
  3. Yeah! That's cool. This is just 2 shows? It should be a regular thing.
  4. Hmmm..howza 'bout something from the other side of the fence? Some AACM alumni?
  5. Happy Birthday Jen! Seeing how it's your day I think Sir Ben should offer you up one of his high-octane beers.
  6. Excellent! Did I hear you say you'll be taking requests?
  7. Nice looking setlist. For my money a Poor Places > Spiders combo is still one of my favorite things they do.
  8. The rumor here is he's close friends with Jamaal Tinsley. Sorry, couldn't resist. EDIT: Mr. Rain beat me to it. Well done.
  9. Aman that's the last time I ever send you pics from our family album.
  10. Maybe it's just me, but Barack is looking pretty tired/burned out in the last week. HRC on the other hand seems completely energized. And Bill - you can tell he truly LOVES campaigning. He's eating this stuff up. Barack really needs to regain his mojo.
  11. Thanks for posting these. I like how John is quick to separate the music industry from the music itself. The BUSINESS may be taking it on the chin but there will always be demand for live music. You just gotta go out and play.
  12. Bob Dylan - Angelina One of his most underrated songs. Simply amazing lyrics.
  13. I know it's a few days old, but here it is: http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20080428/pl_politico/9904 This scares me. Seriously. I hope this doesn't sway too many folks.
  14. Yay Oman! 30 is the new 45! Have a great day brother.
  15. Phish - Charleston WV 6/26/94 AUD (great AUD) The "GameHoist" show.
  16. What, no Absolutely Free? What in the hell is wrong with you man?
  17. Old school girls names: Bertha - GD Esther - Phish
  18. Happy Birthday Lou! Have a great day. Clickety-clack! Clickety-clack! Someone's mind got off the damn track! -Rahsaan Roland Kirk
  19. Kate, I'm so very very sorry. I really don't know what to say exactly, except that you are well loved by this community. The love of your life will help you through this. And don't worry too much about Emily (my mother's name, btw). Just love her with all your heart - she'll be OK. Trust me on this - I thought I was gonna raise a gang of social revolutionaries but it didn't quite turn out that way. But they're good kids, and so is yours, I'm sure. Peace be with you.
  20. King Crimson - Indiscipline I do remember one thing It took hours and hours but By the time I was done with it I was so involved, I didn't know what to think I carried it around with me for days and days Playing little games Like - not looking at it for a whole day And then....looking at it To see if I still liked it I DID! I repeat myself when under stress I repeat myself when under stress I repeat myself when under stress I repeat myself when under stress I repeat.. The more I look at it The more I like it I do think it's good The fact is - No matter how closely I study it No matter how
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