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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I can't wait to see a setlist. So I can bang my head against a wall. I keed. We had good times here last night, but..
  2. Wow. I guess I'll eat the words of my previous post. This is great news!
  3. Until the tournament began I had no idea how good Memphis was. The guards are really really good.
  4. When I think of Heston I think of this movie in particular: Here's the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kMON6SSqt4
  5. Probably a good thing. The cover of Between the Buttons...man I don't know if I've ever seen a more crispy critter than Brian in that pic.
  6. Bump for the Final Four today. As long as the Heels don't win this thing I'll be happy.
  7. Nice. I remember asking my folks to get that one for me as a ute. They said no because "you have all those songs on other records already". They had a strong argument I guess.
  8. I've mentioned this before. I don't know how 'rare' it is, but without a doubt one of the strangest records I have here is "An Evening With Wild Man Fischer" on FZ's Bizarre label. Put that one on at a party and see how fast the house clears out!
  9. I had no idear that "Satanic Majesties" was worth anything to anyone but me. I have the 3D cover, the Lucille Ball "Some Girls" etc.
  10. There is nothing like the thunderous sound of The Horse.
  11. Damn Kyle you're lucky. I'd love to see those guys in Indy. Won't ever happen.
  12. Yeah, Burton is scum. He's not my Rep though. I have the even more sickening Mike Pence. And Mr. Rain, that cartoon was something.
  13. Thanks for posting this Owl. Much appreciated.
  14. Greg - those guys are really a band - The Residents. San Francisco band. Really far-out stuff - I have their first LP "Third Reich and Roll". Smithwick's in your honor dude.
  15. Awesome, Moe! Mine evidently has been sent - any day now!
  16. The boys in the band decided to get all spiffed up to celebrate your birthday! Have a great day!
  17. Grateful Dead - Cincinnati OH 4/3/70
  18. Thanks man. You have a fantastic avatar btw. I would be remiss if I didn't mention this - to all of you Ronald the Ray-Gun haters, Gil did some outstanding work using RR as fodder for his caustic tongue. Please check out "B-Movie" or "Re-Ron" for examples. I'm truly sorry that I only have this stuff on vinyl (for those who might be innarested).
  19. Mr. Berkman, if you're gonna go to this may I suggest you slick your hair back and go as Bix Beiderbecke. It's just a suggestion.
  20. I think you're talking about "I Thought I Held You". As far as I know without looking, the Residency shows were the first time that was played.
  21. Since I just got back home from seeing him I have to mention what a master of tone Robin Trower still is. In a room of 300 he was completely dialed in - stuff like "Bridge of Sighs" and " Islands" were just amazing.
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