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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Yes. I'm a self-described 'picky Deadhead' so I'm certainly not in the glorification of Wilco camp. But as I said last night - they may not have hit it out of the park but that was a sure, solid stand-up double. I was happy to see it and just proud of everyone. Everyone I talked to today seemed to really dig it. Watch out - this could reach critical mass in the not-too-distant future.
  2. During the 2008 "State of the Black Union" Convention host Tavis Smiley offered a question to the very fine (imo) Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones: (I'm paraphrasing here) TS: I've seemed to notice that there are divisions within the Congressional Black Caucus ( 42 members strong, all Democrats of course) regarding whether to endorse HRC or Obama. You've publicly endorsed HRC. Are these divisions deep enough that it will splinter the Democratic Party and eventually give McCain the election? ST-J: We may disagree on who the nominee should be, but that's not why we were elected to come
  3. 11 PM EST? Excellent! I love late night Wilco!
  4. Hey WW I was meaning to ask you - was Secret Service a pain in the arse? I had this thought of some Wilco fans standing in line with their showpiece and a pocketful of nugs and then just FREAKING OUT when the SS came swarming in.
  5. I thought that bit was easily the funniest thing last night. Reminded me of a friend of mine who has too many thoughts flying around in his damaged brain. And the surreal 'dream sequence' bit.
  6. To echo a few sentiments here I just felt so proud that those guys took possibly the biggest showcase gig on TV (at least historically for the last couple of decades) and did so well with it. Many of my friends who never had even heard of the band until recently ( my fault ) were planning on watching and, like previous comments here have mentioned, how could you not like this band? They gave tight, punchy versions of two of the most kickin' songs on SBS. Also, I'm totally down with the horns staying on as long as it fits the current direction of this group. How much polarization would ther
  7. She's the reason Phish broke up, you know.
  8. I'm sure you're not alone, but I disagree. I'd like to see these guys just get huge as long as they don't decide to go all America's Top 40 or something like that. I hope all the years of constant touring/working pays big dividends for them . They've certainly earned it, yes?
  9. That sounds really interesting. I have a bunch of that stuff from the "Best of SNL" on VHS I taped off of TV but it would be nice to have complete shows. Just because I'm too lazy to look it up - how much Gil-Scott Heron is on there? I only remember "Johannesburg".
  10. Yeah, that's what I've read too. Mescaline. You can almost hear it - Donna cracking up during verses, Phil doing ridiculous baritone doo-wop things during "Dancin'" etc. And that Werewolves...as Lammy would say "Good Lord!"
  11. I think "It's Just that Simple" instead of "Not the Issue". Otherwise that looks on the money.
  12. No it was just up until now. Tim & Judy Runyan. I think Tim bought it 20 years ago? I went down there to see David Nelson a few years back and had the best time.
  13. Have you ever heard the story about that show (it is 5/11/78 Springfield, right)? Crazy night indeed!
  14. Exactly. Let's hold this feeling and keep it for when things start to get gnarly.
  15. Very enjoyable. This was a much-neded lift in spirits here. Thanks VC
  16. One of America's greatest bands?
  17. Really fine show. Starting out nice and mellow and then totally rockin' yer face at the end.
  18. I am a-psychedelic, I've always been a-psychedelic - Fr. Guido Sarducci
  19. I hope you're right. how about Poor Places > Spiders?
  20. JT: what's wrong with you people? AUD: we're on acid Jeebus
  21. Dude, I don't know about you but I'm depressed that Bert's Bar is closed down. My friends from here ran the place.
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