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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. OK, check your head, the breaks over. Let's do this thing!
  2. Well, Delia Dee just decided it was time to go outside so there's that. Sorry to hear about the guitar. I haven't pulled my Martin out for too long. Been playing electric with my friends on the weekends though. Nice Casino.
  3. I'm gonna just treat this like a set break.
  4. Oman I'm so glad you're here tonight. I hope all is well man.
  5. Man I wish I was goin' to Hawaii. The DNB just NAILS acoustic sets like this.
  6. It just goes to show you that Jerry was the one from which the apolitical vibe probably emanated. I could be wrong - people do change. Phil's kids are both adults now, if you can believe that! So he might be getting concerned about the future for them. Back in the day the proper response was "I take acid and I vote!" I have no idea about the scene now. I'm old.
  7. It's truly mind-blowing when you consider that just 6 months ago McCain was dunzo if you believe anything that the media tells you. I don't know if the party is in that much disarray or what. But this is why I'm such a junkie for this stuff. This time we really just don't have a clue what's gonna happen. God, it's still 9 months until the general!
  8. Thanks man. I could not get anything to work so you guys are my eyes and ears.
  9. McCain has been getting pretty grandiose with his promises lately. The whole 'I WILL get Osama, I'll follow him to the gates of Hell' thing is a little far-out. Even though that would be fine with me ( following him to Hell).
  10. Can I get confirmation on Barry on guitar? He's a hero to me!
  11. I just got an email today about this. Hmmm...a 17 minute Sugaree from '77? Sign me up!
  12. I've heard a lot of Republican voters saying they'll vote Obama. McCain might just get served up for lunch by his own party.
  13. Lammy edited that shit - he's fucking with us!
  14. Just remember - Belichick decided to go for it on 4th and 13 when he could have sent the kicker in for a 48 yard FG. Yeah.
  15. You probably shouldn't have mentioned that bit about the Immaculate Reception with Kris around here. I keed, but yes that was just an amazing football game man. Easily in the top 5, and of course the interruption of a perfect season has to put it as one of the more memorable ones as well. Even though NE has been the '60's Packers to Indy's '60's Cowboys (for the most part) I hold no truck with the players on the Pats. That was as good a team as I've ever watched play. I don't have a great deal of respect for Belichick but that is just a personal observation - he's obviously one of the v
  16. We may not agree on the ranking of Wilco albums, but yes - that was fantastic!
  17. If I would have listened to my Petty-freak daughter I would have aced that sucker!
  18. OH YEAH! Dan, I could not be happier for you!
  19. American Girl I Won't Back Down Refugee Running Down a Dream
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