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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. That would be a real close one, eh? It's entirely possible that it could play out like that. I certainly hope not. That whole thing with the delegates in MI and FL just bums me out. Now is not the time for petty bs like this imo.
  2. You just go on agreeing with yourself brah. Live in your little fantasy world with your Angela Davis posters and whatnot. I've reported you to the powers-that-be and now you have the distinction of being the only person here I've ever put on "ignore". I only came here in the first place to try and educate the oblivious masses that the only true way to appreciate this fine fine band Wilco is this: AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS Coddammit man, you're a good guy - get with the program!
  3. It's entirely possible ( maybe not probable). I started a thread about this (with little success, I might add) when Nelson and Alcee Hastings filed a lawsuit against the DNC awhile back. The Dems need some party unity before the general imo. The last thing they need is controversy at their convention. This thing ain't in the bag, that's for sure.
  4. A record turnout doesn't count? Those delegates will be seated come Convention time - by hook or by crook.
  5. Listen man, personal insults will not be tolerated here, ok? Ction started this fucking thread and I'd like to think he knows what the hell he's talking about. I'm going to agree with him. AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS So there!
  6. Man, HRC gave Barack a spankin' tonight. Right after the Kennedys endorsed him. She had the endorsement of Bill Nelson ( a very fine gent imo) but I hardly think that would carry as much weight as Teddy. Feb. 5 is gonna be craaaazy!
  7. "All subjects reported disliking the taste of raw sewage in their mouths, sometimes for days afterward". Why am I laughing here? Is this what getting high has come to in the new millenium? What in the hell ever happened to snorting animal tranquilizers fer chrissakes? (of course I keed you guys)
  8. Keep on keepin' on man. Everything will be ok - everyone is in good hands, just keep a good thought as much as you can. At some point all of our young 'uns have had a scare at a wee age. It all turned out fine in the long run. Vibes sent up the interstate to you all.
  9. You might be able to pull a show from '92-'95 that would be a convincing argument that the Dead still had it (6/28/92 comes to mind immediately), but for my money, '91 is the last year where things were pretty consistently good - no small part due to Bruce being there most of the time. I remember how excited I was to see a grand piano onstage for the first time ( never saw Kieth and Donna..sigh..). The shit was real real good - so much so that I ended up going WAY past where I had planned to go on the Summer '91 tour. Those little sub-groupings pre-and-post-space ( Bruce, Bobby and Phil - Br
  10. I only watched the pre-game festivities. Like Cryptique, I just cannot bear to hear that man's bs.
  11. About 5 years ago the KKK staged a rally here. I really detest the bastards but they do have the right, you know. So what did I do? I took my camera and badgered the hell out of those dudes. Got some great pics too btw.
  12. That was really interesting reading Chris' comments on the new record. Kinda makes me psyched to hear this - Josephine and Movin' On in particular.
  13. One of these days, old sod, one of these days I'll get out there - we're not getting any younger you know.
  14. July 3 at Deer Creek - I guess I'll be there for that. I just wish a Blind Faith Reunion would head this way though.
  15. Happy Happy Birfday ladies! I got you something you know you both want - A BOY TOY! (please don't fight over him...there's plenty of love to share).
  16. This is one of My Favorite Things! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NllPZ5_Tw40 Coltrane, Tyner, Garrison and Jones. Enjoy!
  17. Oh yeah! I stayed away from posting here because I was sure it would turn into a raging flame-out against all things Phish, so I'm really happy that it has not. thanks everybody for that. I quoted your post farva because imo the best period of the band began in August '93 and continued through December '95 (at least). '94 is THE year imo. They had those incredible whiplash-inducing changes in styles from song to song and the amazing free-form improvs were really starting to take shape (5/7 Tweezer, 12/29 Bowie are two that immediately come to mind). It eventually evolved into "Space Cam
  18. Great story Paul B. I have some really great photos from Alpine '88 (from the lot) - if I can get my kid to use her scanner sometime I'll post 'em up here.
  19. Johnny, when you have the time sometime you should tell your Furthur Bus story here. It's a good one and deserves to be told imo.
  20. I'm getting off topic but I'll be real interested for that to happen.
  21. Here's a question for you Gogo ( or anyone else who knows ): Even though I'm an Ummvilliam myself has the thought ever been considered for Ummm posting not to count towards your total post number? It wouldn't matter to me if it didn't. Just a thought - thanks.
  22. Was the Europe '72 Tour the best GD tour ever? Sometimes I think so, even though I'm really partial to Fall '73 and Summer '74. Anyway, every effort should be made to acquire as much of Europe as possible - Billy the K never sounded better.
  23. Happy Birthday to the girl who has one of the most bee-yoo-tee-ful avatars around! Hope today was a great one!
  24. Were you the dude that posted up that link about Wade awhile back? God, that was an awesome interview/story.
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