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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Thank you Judy. That was NOT a wasted 10 minutes of my time.
  2. Oh yeah. That song will raise your heart rate X2. I can't believe no one has mentioned the Allmans. Probably my favorite band to take a long drive with.
  3. Very nice bjornicus. I made a mix of the first 6 LPs awhile back. Those guys were as good as it ever got.
  4. 41. I was acing that shit until I got to the '90's -'00s.
  5. I will check these out after work. Thanks.
  6. Night Music was great. I have probably a half-dozen shows on VHS that I taped back in the day.
  7. U.T.'s version of the old standard "Moonshiner" has always been a favorite of mine.
  8. In the spirit of bipartisanship, I concur with the distinguished gentleman. Beer is food.
  9. Very rare. In fact I think that may be the only show post '65 JG ever did solo. Lots of duets w/ Kahn out there though. Nice choice. NP: GD 11/8/69 Fillmore Auditorium SF - Dick's Picks #16
  10. You're pulling my leg right? That's too crazy!
  11. So...four hours of debate on the confirmation of Mukasey tonight. Both Schumer and Feinstein gave forceful, eloquent arguments for confirmation. I don't agree with them of course but the thing they were most concerned about was this: Bush's threat to just have a 'caretaker' AG for the last 14 months of his Presidency. The fear that someone could be put in there with no confirmation could be horrifying - the person could make Gonzales look like a saint by comparison. The Cheney/Addington end of the White House could run amok for the next year-plus (I know, like they haven't already). All the wo
  12. That's crazy! I don't go to the IU board but I'd imagine they've been going nuts the last week or so. No one has anything good to say here right now.
  13. Agreed. Can't forget Marilyn Chambers either. Back when stars were stars.
  14. Oh yeah - stupidest idea for a movie: "Edward Penishands".
  15. Now now Poon. Don't get paranoid - El Ron said stars. Not meth-heads.
  16. I was just makin' a suggestion, is all. That being said, the Lynn sisters were the bomb back in the '80's. And hands down, the most disgusting: Viper. Let's see how many of our female peeps respond on this thread.
  17. I remember reading that in '71 GF sold out Shea Stadium in record time - quicker than the Beatles. They were pretty huge here in the Midwest. I liked them a lot. The live LP was really good although it had the worst sound you can imagine. Almost like a bootleg.
  18. That group of guys would have been championship material with Terry Hanratty OR even Joe Gilliam taking the snaps. I wish you could have seen how awesome they were. I don't think there's any defense you could even compare it to anymore. edit: Now I'm sounding like my dad.
  19. That's cool man. I'm biased for Joe just because I got to see him at ND a number of times when I was a ute. I'm gonna enrage Aricandover here and say if it wasn't for the Steelers having possibly the greatest defense to ever walk the Earth Bradshaw would be lucky to have 1 SB ring.
  20. Vibeages to you WW from the flatlands!
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