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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Ok, wandering a bit..but I have a q for ya LC: does your school have the "see you at the pole" thing? Here the kiddos that want to ( and adults too) meet at the flagpole before the official start of the school day to pray etc. No one is 'on the clock' yet, so it seems to me to be a reasonable compromise for the church/state issue.
  2. Yep. If the growth of the # of members on this board just since SBS was released is any indication. I've noticed an alarming amount of Wilco talk on teh Phish boards. Hmmm, let's see..Phish is dunzo, Trey is in a big legal mess, etc. Be prepared for a possible invasion!
  3. In many societies the 5 sided figure is a symbol of evil. Oct. '67: Abbie, Jerry & tens of thousands of others surrounded the Pentagon & caused it to levitate.
  4. My friend that lives out near you (the one who met HST) would tell you a horrifying story about teh jimsonweed. Now THAT stuff is off-limits man.
  5. Cmon now, where's the effin' Angel Dust? Or the ether? Jeez.
  6. OK, I'm not here to defend my own (I've never met this person) but I will say this much: there are few people on this board more knowledgable about modern rock music than Mystic in my opinion.
  7. Good Lord, check out the setlist from Boston last night! Son of Suzy Creamcheese Brown Shoes Don't Make It America Drinks & Goes Home City of Tiny Lights (enter Ray White) I Am the Slime Carolina Hardcore Ecstacy Advance Romance Pygmy Twilight Dumb All Over What's New in Baltimore Dupree's Paradise Uncle Remus Willie the Pimp Joe's Garage Wind Up Working in a Gas Station San Berdino Ponybugs at the Dildo Farm (Improv) The Illinois Enema Bandit encores: Cosmic Debris G-Spot Tornado Muffin Man
  8. Have a great day, you curator of the giant hogweed!
  9. Not a bad list there (Diamond Sea, Carry the Zero, Black Hole Sun to name a few), but way too much Radiohead fluffing imo.
  10. Wow. That's an inspriring story. And to think I used to hate that guy.. I'm wondering if Miller ever thought of using Boggs as a pitchman for their schwilly beer.
  11. The Garcia Collection, Vol. 1 Legion of Mary
  12. I read a really sweet blog the other night about this tour. I searched high & low but couldn't find it or else I'd link ya. Needless to say, don't pass it up if it's doable. I don't think you'll be disappointed. A good friend of mine caught them a couple of weeks ago & he said Dweezil was amazing at how he was able to hit the notes his father did. All of the arrangements have been meticulously worked out to remain faithful to the original versions.
  13. Well put Mr. H. For someone starting out I'd direct them to officially released multi-track masters of the live stuff. Here's a thread in & of itself: best Scar>Fire? I think 5/8/77 gets fluffed a little much as a total show, but the Scar>Fire there is a personal favorite.
  14. I want you to celebrate your birfday "By any means necessary". Have a great day!
  15. It always used to make me smile when they would fuck up. I don't know why exactly, but I guess it just made them seem more human. For me, it's all about the process. I never gave two shits what they played. I just loved the fact that they never seemed to be in any hurry to get anywhere, but by the end of the evening you'd know you had been somewhere, and it was rarely where you expected to go.
  16. Wow I can't believe a sliders thread has went this far. So I feel obligated to post a ridiculous WC story. 25 years ago (?) some friends of mine & I made the late night/early morning run to WC. Just melting face & drunk off our asses taboot. God knows why, but we went inside to eat. Very bright inside. We get the grub & my friend Charlie grabs a number of ketchup packets & begins stacking them on top of each other on the table. I should mention that Charlie has a very large, very blond afro at this time. He looks at us mischieviously...he's gonna slam his fist down on the ke
  17. I love playing this song! One of my favorite non-JT lines: I bought her a gold ring, and I pay the rent. She tried to get me to wash her clothes but I got good common sense.
  18. Jerry Garcia Band--After Midnight (Kean College, 2/28/80)
  19. We got Ronnie the Ray-Gun stamps, but no Jerry Garcia ones. I see this as a symptom of the decline of Western Civilization.
  20. We refer to them as "WC Cuisine". 3-4 White Castles + soda & fries= good More than 6 + many beers= lethal
  21. When I worked for a supermarket chain throughout the '80's I LOVED reading Ed Anger. That was just hilarious stuff to me (I was on drugs at the time). One of the best WWNews headlines ever: Saddam Hussein & Osama Bin Laden have secret gay marriage ceremony.
  22. That should be innaresting. Judy, did you see those youtube vids A-man posted of Neil at the ranch in '71? Great stuff!
  23. Thanks for that article A-man. I did not know that Mookie Siegel was former Ratdog. I DID know, however, that for the last 13 years he has been the keyboardist for the most excellent David Nelson Band. Seriously, if anyone here has not heard the DNB, you MUST give them a listen. One of the best live bands I've ever seen. If you like the rootsy sounds of Workingman's or Beauty, this stuff is right up your alley.
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