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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Of course not, man. But just don't listen to Ted Nugent and you'll be just fine.
  2. I'm guessing that pic is from the Oct. '76 shows with The Dead - "Day On The Green" or some such.
  3. I watch TMS every week. It might be about my favorite thing on TV.
  4. PS I Love You and Your Mother Should Know are the first two that come to mind.
  5. I had no choice, of course. I HAD to get it I'm still "current", as they say. Everything that's been officially released is here.
  6. Man, I'm sad about this.They better keep something physical going.I have everything.
  7. Deleted threads may be gone from the interwebs, but they will exist in the hearts of free men and women forever!
  8. This. I've probably listened to AMFAFS over WTA by a 10-1 margin.
  9. Yeah, I think I was the one who started the earlier thread a long time ago. As you guys know Gil is one of my biggest musical heroes. I'll see if it pops up on the web, but if anyone else does please post it up.
  10. Man, I wish Lemieux would play some 6/30/84. I still think that was the best show I ever saw. I don't think I've ever even heard of 6/29.
  11. ^ Dear Mr. Lemieux, Hate to bust your balls on such a trivial piece of information, but Deer Creek was never 14,000 seats. In '89 it was 18,000, later expanded to 22,500. Best, MB Ahhh, 7/15/89 - the very first of 14 (mostly excellent) shows at The Creek. That Crazy Fingers is a MONUMENTAL train wreck to be sure, but all in all it's a good show, and quite lengthy (over 3 hours). I've talked about this before, but what a blessing to finally have a place to see the band so close to home (20 miles). To come home after a show and sleep in your own bed is an amazing thing, especially after tr
  12. My buddy Alan came over last night with the DVDs. We Watched the bonus disc, and I have to say that "dinner sequence" was worth the price of admission! Funny stuff. A few quick impressions: - Neil has a very goofy laugh, which he likes to use - OFTEN -Ged is definitely some kind of freak for wines - Alex could have been a comedian if the guitar-playing gig wouldn't have worked out for him. That guy is a nut!
  13. I have a CD that someone gave me from the Mountain Stage program that was recorded at the time of The Mountain album release. It's fantastic. And the tune he did for the guy he befriended on death row almost out-Prine's Prine. God, what a tearjerker that one is.
  14. All the best to you Crow in your time of grief. Man, it's never easy. In the last 5 years I've buried more old buddies than I can count. And none of 'em were old. All between 45-55 years old. Hang in there.
  15. FINALLY some good news we can use!
  16. I've never read anything about an arrest in WV in '67. There was the bust at 710 in Oct. '67. Maybe that's what it is. As far as I know the Dead were never in WV at that time. Hmmm.
  17. Dick Enberg's doing play-by-play at Crowjack's house!
  18. 7/9/95 - Soldier Field, Chicago IL "Such a long, long time to be gone - and a short time to be there" Man. 15 years. Never does a day go by that I don't miss 'em.
  19. Thanks, Calvino. I've always had a soft spot for this music. Something even as potentially cheesy as "If you don't know me by now, you will never ever ever know me" just gets me every time.
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