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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. It's entirely possible that many of the boomers won't live into their 80s and 90s. It's possible that they might not even live as long as the previous generation, due to lifestyle choices (promiscuous sex, drugs, etc.) that the previous generation didn't endorse. Not to mention the food - factory farmed, hormone-and antibiotic-injected meat, corn-syrup based everything that has contributed to a significant spike in obesity and diabetes-related health issues. For every advance of medicine there is a corresponding conter-punch of a more sedentary lifestyle. Just sayin'.
  2. I'll bite. You have a crack band. One that can play anything in the catalog. That catalog is now well over 100 songs. Play what you feel. Is there a need to write out a setlist beforehand? Those tunes (we all know which ones) that get played every show - how do they stay fresh for the band? It would seem to me that after awhile it's more like a job than anything else. Just my .02 - no offense meant.
  3. I bet the neighbors LOVE you.
  4. I was mentioning to Aman the other day that there was a very nice doc on the band on VH1 Classic this week - Extreme Close Up KISS. Lots of clips from the classic period on there. Those dudes rocked like a motherf#%*er back then. KISS was my first show (Aug. '76). I am so glad I got to see the band at the peak of their powers.
  5. The Beatles were a good little band, but they certainly were no Grateful Dead. How ironic that this thread was started on what would have been John's 69th birthday. There are other bands I like better (Stones, Dylan, etc.) but the Fabs were the very best that pop music has had to offer. Ever. Hell, if it wasn't for George doing things like The Inner Light or Within You Without You how many of us Westerners would have been exposed to Shankar? That stuff changed my life.
  6. Michelle and I have done Charlie and Squeaky before, but that was back when I had a lot of hair. This year, I'm thinking I'll be the Rajun' Cajun and she can be Mary Matalin. We'll just annoy the fuck out of everyone with political diatribes.
  7. For me YHF is MILES ahead of any other Wilco record. It's not even close.
  8. Other than Robby mentioning one song ("Fountain Of Sorrow") we're on page 4 here with no talk about Jackson Browne's "Late For The Sky"? WTF? Side 1 of that LP is one of the most emotionally wrenching things I've ever listened to - the title track, Fountain, Farther On, The Late Show...all beautiful and filled with melancholy. "For A Dancer" on side 2 is a killer as well. The words had all been spoken And somehow the feeling still wasn't right And still we continued on through the night Tracing our steps from the beginning Until they vanished into the air Trying to understand how our liv
  9. I don't know about cocaine (I was in HS so I couldn't afford that shit) but there was a definite period from the original cast years up through the Dream Team year where, more often than not, our little gang of misfits would be dosed up on Saturday nights, and if we were anywhere near a TV set we would watch SNL. So of course it was funny. I mean, take Steve Martin, for example. I loved his standup comedy back in the late '70s but it doesn't really stand the test of time for me. I do think the drug culture played a large part in the success of the early SNL and folks like Martin.
  10. I think I know what you mean. But - while Fey's 'already legendary' Palin bit was a definite highlight of the campaign season SNL, if I am Wiig I would keep the Michelle Bachman character nearby. She could go almost ANYWHERE with that bit - the woman herself is so damn far-out. It could be GOLD.
  11. God bless you, Dude. I'd totally buy you a beer for this post - if you're ever down this way.
  12. Nice post. Hell, that first LP was pretty damn good if you ask me.
  13. I do loves me some 1981. In my opinion it's the best year of GD in the first half (pre-Jerry coma) of the Brent Era. I'm really hard pressed to think of a really weak '81 show. Everything I've heard from the Europe Tour is interesting. The final night (10/19) stands out to me for the Spanish Jam (in Spain!), but the whole show finds everyone is good form.
  14. There ya have it - when Burris leaves the Senate it will be "Mr. Tweedy, the distinguished gentleman from the great state of Illinois".
  15. Echoing HWF - yes, we need to hear about these shows! Keeprighton2 - let's hear about it! Man, I wish I was in London town right now.
  16. Loretta, let me be the first to say that is all kinds of awesome. Well done. My folks had that record when I was a youngin'. I'm gonna have to get over to the old man's house and show him this - i know he will agree with me.
  17. Dave is a homeboy around here. I've watched him since I was a kid - WTHR's "Freeze Dried Movies", Dave the weatherman, etc. So I've always liked the guy, and I do find him funny. As Lammy and others have stated plenty of couples have open relationships, and there's certainly nothing wrong with that. But as Lauren said evidently Dave's wife was unaware of these trysts. Therein lies the problem - if you're S.O. knows about such things who cares? But deception and lying are another thing entirely. Reprehensible is an apprpriate word. Not that it matters but at least the guy has never come off a
  18. A good touring buddy of mine invited me to see them in Columbus next week, but I won't be able to make that show either. The Buttholes were a breath of fresh air in the otherwise sterile environment of popular music at the time. I would call myself a fan, although I haven't listened to them in a very long time.
  19. Every year in the history of (rock) music there have been absolutely wretched tunes that found their way to the radio. The tunes Moss listed for 1974 were fucking terrible, to be sure, but I'll submit that any year in the '80s were MUCH worse than '74. Kudos to L'Ville Greg & Gtr Plyr for listing some of the finest records ever made.
  20. Oh man, I LOVE "The Knife"! That's one of the fiercest, most hard rockin thing they ever recorded. I would love for these yahoos next door to wake me up with stuff like that.
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