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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Nice call, man! God, I love that girl - when I listen to stuff like "Prologue" or "Ashes Are Burning" it gives me chills.
  2. Exactly. You replace Palin with, say, Kay Bailey Hutchinson and you have what I would consider to be a responsible ticket. McCain BLEW it with his choice.
  3. If people respect her belief that the Earth is only 6000 years old then they are seriously misguided. Or batshit crazy.
  4. It's too bad that article didn't mention the little episode that occurred in Noblesville IN (about 15 miles from my house) Thursday night. The adoring throngs stayed in line for as long as 9 hours in rain and cold temps to get their books signed. They had their wristbands which were supposed to guarantee the signing/15 seconds of face time with Palin. Well, the lovely Sarah cut the lovefest short - WAY too short evidently. Many folks with their wristbands did NOT get to meet Palin, and when she got on her bus and waved buh-bye they got pretty surly, surrounding the bus and chanting "come out
  5. Got the motherload in the mail Friday: JGB - Keystone Berkeley 11/75 (JG, Kahn, Hopkins & Tutt) Winterland '77 - The Complete Recordings Road Trips, Vol.3, No.1 - 12/28/79 Major Dead-listening bender here!
  6. Well, you just named 2 of the 3 new releases I forked over the hard-earned for in this decade. The other one was Kicking Television.
  7. So true. "All the news you WANT to hear". In my opinion, this is a big factor in the polarization of this country. And as both sides of the "argument" get more and more radical in their rhetoric it only helps to fan the flames of a potentially violent outburst.
  8. The '00s were the most dreadful decade of rock music EVER. Even worse than the '80s.
  9. Man, I hope you had a blast! As I said previously I got shut out for tickets (and didn't really make an attempt to score later) so you are my eyes and ears for this one! Please feel free to give us a nice review - your first time is always worthy of reflection.
  10. Flat-out AWESOME, Dude!
  11. IRDB - don't give up hope. Remember when Mickey said Phil "must have received the liver of a jerk"? They made up and have done many shows together since then. And as someone said Dave & Roger DID play at Live 8. So all I'm saying is stranger things have happened. I feel your pain, dude. I love UT too. They used to play here all the time but I was all about following Garcia at the time.
  12. Nice thread topic, Greg! I just looked back at my CD list, and I have the Lounge Ax (11/23) as the oldest show I own. I LOVE that first year of shows. Here's to another 15 years, guys!
  13. Oh hell yes. I watched this awhile back and it was just STUNNING. H-bombs were going off...guided missiles were flying. I know he originally comes from the blues, and guys like Hank Marvin, but it's really difficult to spot the influences. It's like he came from another planet or something. Not my favorite of all time either, but WOW. And his skills do not seem to have diminished with the passing years.
  14. I love that girl. I want to have babies with her.
  15. Anyone want to venture a guess on how long it is before (former) resident CNN curmudgeon Lou Dobbs shows up on Fox Noise spewing his special brand of xenophobic rhetoric?
  16. I don't know about "best", but if Full House or Live Dead isn't in the top 100 this list is shit.
  17. (Warning, biased content)With any other coach going for it on 4th and 2 inside your own 30 is a gutty call that didn't ultimately pay off. With Belichick I considered it an arrogant gesture. I mean, do you want to make Peyton go 30 yards for the TD or 70? Unbelieveable. God, that was the most exciting regular season game as any you will ever see. This place will be whack tomorrow - but in my heart I know I'll have to see those bastards again.
  18. Excellent. I'd add these for a top 10: Mama Kin Adam's Apple Back In The Saddle Spaced Toys
  19. I'd be behind this idea. I'd probably dig it more than the last 2 LPs, to be honest. Plus - let's not forget, they already got the bitchin' suits!
  20. TWO Hoosiers out of five people? You DO realize that we're crazier than a gaggle of loons, right? There's no way in Hell I could narrow it down to 5 - 25, maybe! But you'd definitely be 'on the list', for good or ill.
  21. Well, it sure as hell hasn't done anything for the astounding percentage of the uninsured, or the lack of physicians, or the ever-spiraling cost of premiums. http://crooksandliars.com/jon-perr/gingrich-and-perry-tout-dismal-texas-health-care
  22. OK, right off the bat Aerosmith never was or will be Zeppelin, The Stones, The Who, etc., but if you were in high school in the mid/late '70s they were an undeniably important hard rock band - "America's Rolling Stones" if you will. My first record was Get Your Wings and I bought the records up through Ruts. I saw three tours: July '77, October '78 and December '79. The last time was w/o Joe and it was not nearly as exciting to me. After that I had moved on. Other bands (you know which ones, wink wink) captured my attention. But for awhile there they really had some great songs. I am in th
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