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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I'll argue for my guy Joe Montana, who was as great a clutch player as anyone who has ever played QB. There are also some old-school Colts fans who could argue that Manning isn't even the best Colts QB ever (Johhny U.). But I will say this unabashedly - Peyton runs the 2 minute drill better than anyone EVER.
  2. When I read the thread title I couldn't help but think of Ali - "The greatest OF ALL TIMES, Cosell...OF ALL TIIIIMES!!"
  3. I felt the same way about Springsteen for the longest time. I just thought the hype was more than the substance. Time (or was it Life?) anointing him as 'The Next Dylan" or "Rock's Voice" or whatever it was back in '75-'76 or so. Then after the Seeger stuff I began to appreciate the man a lot more, and now I find much of his back catalogue very much a part of the American music continuum. So hopefully, my friend, may you one day see this in the music of the Dead.
  4. I am so happy for the city of New Orleans. Lord knows the people there need something to get psyched about. Damn, that was an INSANE football game.
  5. I saw Harper open for SCI back in '02 and they brought him up to do a few tunes - including Voodoo Chile on the lap steel. Pretty impressive.
  6. I'm curious about this statement. Is it the offstage personality? For my money, PG (during his time with Genesis anyway) was one of the greatest frontmen in rock. I've never read any books about the band (unfortunately) so all I really have to go on is the music. I DO know Robbert Fripp is a pretty prickly character. Sid Smith's In The Court Of King Crimson is a really good read.
  7. I agree totally. "Capret Crawlers" or "I Know What I Like" - good choices. Those are definitely not the most difficult things to play. It could be done. It SHOULD be done. And it WOULD mean a lot to us boring old fatrs that still care.
  8. Oh man, Night Flight was SUCH a great show! I have hundreds of hours of stuff on VHS from that program. Beat Club (German TV) stuff, Atomic TV, and especially New Wave Theatre. I found SO many bands through NWT.
  9. Now that there isn't a filibuster-proof majority (like there ever was one, heh) maybe with 41 votes on the Right the Dems can grow a pair and really call their bluff. LET EM FILIBUSTER. Let em filibuster EVERYTHING Go back to old-school style filibusters. Make em stand up there and read the fucking phone book, or whatever, for hours on end. Let CSPAN show the Right's intransigence, their obstinancy, for the country to see with their own eyes. People will see that it is the Right who doesn't give a shit about at least trying to make an effort to solve the problems we face. Clinton called Dole
  10. That Dave Marsh book - are you talking about "Before I Get Old"? Damn fine book, although as I recall Marsh kind of had a hard-on for the Dead. He didn't particularly care for them. I'm having a hard time recalling the passage you describe from that book (it's been many years since I read that one), but Scully's book seemed to imply that Pete was in a VERY bad way with drugs, was missing the loss of Moon, and knew his band was close to calling it quits. The Who's roadies knew their gig was about to end and (of course) did a king-hell demolition-style job on whatever hotel bar they were at.
  11. Since it appears that Massachusettes voters took issue with HCR for the whole country (being a 'donor' state) I would be very curious to hear how residents feel about the system they have set up there. SS, Oil Can...feel free to offer your opinions.
  12. That's a pretty good answer. I might have to agree with you there. I never gave two shits about TP & the HBs - during that time I just thought they were radio-friendly pop music (which I REALLY despised then). Then I saw them with Dylan as his backing band in about '86 and I realized they were a BAND in the truest sense of the word. They really did justice to Bob's music. They're still WAY overplayed on AOR but TP has written a ton of really catchy songs. And of course my oldest kid thinks they are fantastic - hell, she could be listening to some horrible swill.
  13. Yeah, it was the next day. I was sleeping in the shotgun seat of old Bertha (the Ford Club Wagon) and a couple of buds were crashed in the back (our tents were completely soaked) when this security guard woke us up by beating on the windows, shouting "You guys gotta leave! THE WHO are coming!" And we were still higher than coons, laughing..."Who? Who'dat?"
  14. Yep. Nice 1 year anniversary present you just gave the President, Massachusetts. And way to honor the man who worked his whole life for fair and equitable health care reform by electing a teabagger sympathizer as his successor. I know when this thread started I said "I don't see this happening" and I was wrong. Evidently, so was the Coakley campaign. They violated rule #1 - NEVER take the voters for granted. Christ. Either of the two aren't worthy.
  15. Oh, that final night at Alpine....I'm pretty sure I've talked on these threads at some point about that run - maybe the finest I ever saw in the last 5 years of GD touring. That first set the skies just pounded us - and there we are, out on the lawn soaked to the bone, and Jerry's up there crooning "In spite of all you've gained you still have to stand out in the pouring rain". That was some funny shit. But - that first Deer Creek show. The place had just opened about a month before (my first one was a week or two before this - Dylan/Steve Earle) and at the time that area was nothing but the
  16. All the best to you Greg from the MB clan. Take care, man!
  17. Every so often Keith can nail it.
  18. Mike, you almost had me there. I was right there with ya in '00 & '04. It still astounds me. The last decade was an unending shitrain of ugliness - and imo, other than 9/11, the '00 election was quite possibly the worst event for this country in my lifetime. Man, there should be TONS of books assessing that one! And the Mencken quote is one of my alltime favorites - it was in my sig forever! But I'm somewhere between you & D-Dogg - although I don't see Palin as harmless she's WAAAY to polarizing of a figure to be much more than a Perot - throw a monkey wrench in an election between t
  19. Damn! You know when someone who is as plugged in as Charlie Cook says it's too close to call, then it's too close to call. I saw where the Prez was cutting some ads for Coakley.
  20. I really can't see it happening, but if that seat goes to a Republican WATCH OUT. The off year elections could be a free-for-all, with ANY incumbent in dangerous territory.
  21. Great thread, Bjornicus! Man, has this book been getting the attention or what? It seems like all the pundits can't stop talking about it You know, there are a number of folks on this board that I respect that have pretty conservative views, but I can't think of anyone off the top of my head that really is an unabashed Palin fan (thank God). I never thought I'd ever live to see a politician that makes Dan Quayle look like a genius, but there ya go. Sarah Palin - the gold standard for idiocy in government.
  22. I'm gonna say Passenger Side, Poonio. I have an old show here where they do the song 4 diiferent ways - the usual, punk, slow country, rasta-style. So there!
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