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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I could not agree more about playing whatever you want, even if it isn't what would be generally considered to be 'in the flow' or whatever. Some of the guys in the band were complaining about what Phil called the "ossification" of the setlists early in the second half of the Dead's career. The reason I got hooked in the first place was because I live for the unexpected, and many of the shows I saw that I would consider awesome were the ones where something unusual happened with the setlists, or the segues. Oh - and about Sunshine. I'm fairly certain that she's MG's kid with Ken Kesey. I wa
  2. Not bad, but I will still need to consult my legal guru Jonathan Turley and get his take on this.
  3. I think you're right, Dude. I missed the show, but if I recall correctly Glenn opened for UM down here in Indy a couple of years ago. Imo UM stands out from many bands of the genre simply because those dudes have some serious chops.
  4. God, I love that guy. I was always a Phil Zone guy back in the day (probably because I was an uber-geek, and Phil was the dude I related to best). If I wasn't so strapped for $$$ I'd be in on this in a heartbeat.
  5. Well, to speak ill of the dead, especially with the words you chose to use, would be considered by many to be a not-too-classy move. But - I'm all about freedom of speech, so rave on, brother, rave on.
  6. A few days ago I saw the video for Metallica's latest song "The Day That Never Comes". The song features some really sick, twisting chord progressions, and the vid itself is REALLY heavy. It's set in Afghanistan. I was pretty impressed.
  7. I'm all too familiar with Bayh, and I think I can say with some certainty that he just never seemed real comfortable being in the Democratic Party. Especially being from Indiana. Now like I said I'm not going to be real sad when he's gone, but the thing that rubs me wrong is the way he went about this. He announced at 2 PM yesterday, and at noon today anyone who wanted to be a candidate had to file (with 4500 signatures). Everyone assumed he'd be the guy. So now there will be no primary for the Dems. It's like he slapping us in the face on his way out the door.
  8. It's an extremely rare occasion when I respond to obvious trolling here, but I just have to say this has to be one of the most mean spirited things I've ever read in the 4 years I've been on this board. Wow, just wow.
  9. Well then - welcome to the thread, roadhse ma. If you use the search function you'll find this is the 3rd or 4th installment of the Dead Thread (going back a few years). God only knows what kind of unintelligible gibberish I've posted in here over the years, but there has been some real insight from most of us. Aman - I've never heard that 5/20/73 show. Isn't that one of the 3 set monsters?
  10. This probably should be in the "Dems are spineless" thread, but I didn't want to try searching that one. Anyway, this just in: Evan Bayh has called a press conference for 2 PM today. He will not seek reelection. WTF? The guy was running 20 points ahead in early polls, has 13 mil in his war chest, etc. I'm not a fan of Bayh, but this is perplexing. Crazy shit going on in D.C.
  11. Absolutely. Holder needs to get with it ASAP. I'm inclined to think that they're going to drag their feet on this. Hoping that a man pushing 70, with numerous heart attacks, will simply expire.
  12. For all of you here: Zacherle: Good morning, my name is Jonathan Schwartz. (audience laughter) Ha ha ha ha. I want to wish you all a happy Valentine's Day. I was going to come down the aisle in a casket, but the damn thing broke. I was still bothered by those crabs I caught at Channel 47 Bobby: Anyway, it wasn't a casket, it was a banana crate Zachele (laughs): My boy! Well well, this is glorious Sunday morning...THE GRATEFUL GODDAMN DEAD!
  13. Jawbone!!! Happy belated, man. Hope it was a good one!
  14. Living just north of India-no-place we don't get to see a lot of stuff like the Singers' jazz stylings around here, but like I've said many times here and other places the show I saw in Summer '08 was one of the best things I've seen in a LONG time. Truly a fantastic band. As an added bonus I got to meet the lovely Maggie at that show. I'm looking forward to this release - April can't get here soon enough!
  15. That's a good 'un. Around that time ABC had a late night show called "In Concert" and they aired an hour of that show. I snagged it on VHS. Guess I should give it a spin!
  16. Right on. I'm glad you brought this up, because I've been suggesting this for awhile (although I used SDS for the example). As I recall the FBI infiltrated the anti-war organizations (who were generally pacifist in nature) and cranked up the hysteria with their rhetoric until they became armed "revolutionaries". Once that happened any sympathy Mom-and-pop "Middle America" had for those groups disappeared - that's how Nixon & Co. crushed the Left. It's sick, but brilliant. The Teabaggers are already one step away from total craziness - maybe the FBI should try it again, this time to dis
  17. Well to each his own, Dr.No. In their prime The Who would wipe the floor with Bruce or Prince. Now, The Who are well past their prime - but so is Bruce...and Prince I never gave two shits about that guy. I will agree that Fogerty would be a good choice for '11, though.
  18. Yay New Orleans!!! I could not be happier for that town. But OH MAN am I ever gonna have to listen to some whining for the next week.
  19. With all due respect to the bands that have come before, The Who live is one of the greatest things Rock music has ever produced. It was a bit rough, but still more exciting than any other band that's ever played in the SB (imo).
  20. I'll take a shot - Saints 28-23.
  21. I'm about 2 1/2 hours south of Chicago. I'd rather do almost anything else than drive in that city but I think I'd make an exception for this.
  22. I like a book about political campaigns as much as anyone, but there is no way in hell I'm gonna read that new tell-all book about Edwards. I just do not have the stomach for it. What a disappointing dipshit of a guy. The really sad thing is Edwards could work a small room with his rhetoric pretty good. THANK GOD he didn't get the nomination in '08. Can you even imagine? > You can disagee with President Obama, but he's not a scumbag like this guy.
  23. Where did you see these guys, HWF? I'd totally be into seeing this, but living near India-no-place I really doubt if they'll be coming this way. Ever.
  24. I'd guess that there are not too many people here that are a bigger King Crimson fanatic than I am, but I have to say the LP Lizard just doesn't make the nut for me. It really is the definition of pretentious, imo. You'd think that with folks like Keith Tippett, Mel Collins, and guest vocals by Jon Anderson the record would be a killer - but it's not. At all. The next record - Islands - is only marginally better. Those two records come in between the classic first lineup, and the AWESOME Lark's Tongues/Starless/Red lineup. My guess is Der Fripperstien had contractual obligations to meet with
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