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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Excellent, and I agree. Best album since Too High To Die....
  2. No doubt. My brother in CT noted that "our team looks like they all took dramamine before the game" about 5 minutes in, too.....
  3. He really is. Again and again he tries to stir the pot and put himself in the middle of it all.
  4. They probably somehow slow down the alcohol flow....
  5. I, generally, think the umpires do an excellent job. Their collective ego, however, is prohibiting the game from being fairer with the use of a video review crew. I guess Selig has a hand in this, too.
  6. Will read the Gammo piece later but shit yeah that's the truth. It's like a betrayal or something to their brethren. Strong union, too. Another reason why having a non-biased opinion from a stake-holder in an office far away would be the best bet. The argument that it would slow down the (already long) game is horseshit, too, as the need to go to the video review booth would not be needed very often and would likely only take a half minute or so. You want to speed the game up, don't let Josh Beckett take over a minute between pitches....
  7. Shame what happened to the As a few days ago. MLB umpire are a thick-headed bunch. MLB needs to do what the NHL does and have a central office where "experts" review close calls like that in real time. An objective person/persons that can review tape and give a quick response when warranted. That was a horseshit way to lose a game they potentially could have won.
  8. I use to have Hooteroll on clear vinyl. Wonder if that's worth anything these days.
  9. All true. Just a personal choice in which my mind wrestles with paying for something I can, basically, get legally for free. I know you're a completist with the releases. Wish I could bend my head and wallet likewise.....
  10. That's like taking masturbation over sex with another human.
  11. ^ Good points, and I agree. I have a hard time parting with money for stuff that is already accessible for free.
  12. Lobster is a lot better than a Minneola orange. So is sex. And The Godfather.
  13. Not best show, but certainly most popular. It is a top-bottom great show and think rose to prominence because of that but also because it was one of the first Betty boards accessible to the masses.
  14. I also coined the phrase "Et tu, Brute?"
  15. Actually, I coined the phrase "coining a phrase."
  16. Speaking of which, NOJ, that disc didn't get sent out until yesterday.....
  17. Ditto. I'll just have a box of XLIISs sent from Terrapin Tapes directly to you....
  18. Yeah, I think you're right. Parish did all the JGB shows, too.... What do guitar techs do, other than making sure the guitars are safe and putting strings on them?
  19. I read that Parish book when it came out. Some good stories in there but yeah, he talks too much about himself in it, imo. I always thought Parish was a roadie more in the sense of hauling gear/security than tech stuff.
  20. Yep. I have trouble convincing myself into buying a lot of these releases when I have most of them, and in many instances, in excellent sounding condition.
  21. Only 8 tunes for an encore? The guy is getting old.
  22. I don't often listen to a lot of 94-95 GD, but just listened to a Morning Dew from Nassau (3.27.94) on gdradio that is really, really strong both vocally and music. Give it a whirl sometime.
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