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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I've seen Nels and Watt with Banyan, too (in the same configuration). Really cool stuff.
  2. Yeah, I used to really like Screamin' for My Supper. Still do, I guess.
  3. Is this the dude that Beth hart often plays with/opens for?
  4. Ha. Wasn't it Dusty Baker who talked about not wanting too many runners on base because it clogs them up? Francona seems to have moved on just fine....
  5. Dude wins a WS with the team his first year in the city and wins the AL East title the past 2 years...Stupid move, imo.
  6. John Farrell canned. Hm: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/2017/10/11/john-farrell-red-sox/753244001/
  7. My wife and I took the dogs to the mnts for a hike on Saturday to Mt Falcon (near Red Rocks). It was hot out. There were, according to other hikers and park rangers, a bunch of rattle snakes out due to the warm weather. The rangers even told us that a hiker had been bit about a half hour earlier at a nearby mountain in Golden. Turns out the guy died from the bite after being transported to the hospital. Dude was an Iron Man competitor, too. I'm wondering how long I'd last after a rattler bite...: http://www.kktv.com/content/news/Fatal-rattlesnake-bite-kills-Colorado-man-449981343.html
  8. http://thoughtsonthedead.com/fourteen-thoughts-on-tom-petty/
  9. Inside the park HR from Devers. I bet watching it on tv was more exciting than watching it on mlb.com virtual screen....
  10. A friend of mine works the stage/sets for the studio and said he had chills running through his body during the rehearsal of it, even. He reported that the rehearsal had a bunch of people stopping their jobs and admiring the hell out of what they were doing.... Here's a clip of Bob Weir and Phil Lesh and folks giving a nod to Tom this past weekend, as well: https://www.jambase.com/article/bob-weir-phil-lesh-honor-tom-petty
  11. They were kids. One dead, one paralyzed. More like: killing over a few plants in Colorado!?
  12. Today I learned a dude I know from the Dead bar scene in town got sentenced to 80 yrs. This dude, Rasta Keith, drove a bus shuttling patrons to and from various Dead bars owned by the same family in town and would take you to Red Rocks or home or anywhere else for cheap (whatever you wanted to pay). Justice served, though: http://www.denverpost.com/2017/10/04/denver-man-shot-teens-stole-marijuana-sentenced-80-years-prison/ http://www.westword.com/news/keith-hammock-sentenced-to-80-years-for-marijuana-grow-shooting-9559576
  13. Yeah! Plus, it starts at 2:08 or whatever!
  14. No points for using a Bieber and a Motorhead tune? Maybe you're right.....
  15. First triple by a reliever in MLB play-off history!
  16. It's all I can do. I saw The Cars in, like, '80 or '81 in New Haven. The group of middle schooler friends I went with were all bummed that the band did not talk to the crowd....
  17. Nobody can even tell the difference between a Depeche Mode or a Cure song! You might think that he's all they've got tonight. Let's go, let the good times roll!
  18. That Avett-brother-wanna-be hipster relief pitcher pretty much screwed up the Rockies' post season!!
  19. Don't let it kill you, baby, don't let it get to you.
  20. MC Hammer is off the list? Probably next year....
  21. I've often thought about this in similar situations and I agree and disagree at the same time. Are the media supposed to not report who was responsible and do a background check on the person? Wouldn't the public demand to know?! Should the media just try to ignore the person responsible like MLB and other major sports have finally done when an asshole runs onto the field? There are biographies on Bundy and Dahmer and the Texas Tower guy and every other lunatic that has caused major chaos like this. Reported as to the number and the relation to other mass murders? Yeah, could probably be om
  22. Well, there sure would be a lot of hoopla in CLE (longest current WS win drought in MLB) or Washington (never won/been to a WS)
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