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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I listened to the show, too, with the stream of comments. I periodically looked at some of the comments and was a little baffled at some of the over-the-top praise (during/after "Truckin'" people saying it was incredible, phenomenal, etc.) I saw a post on FB from a guy who's seen a lot of GD shows saying he thought it was the best China-Rider he's heard since Brent died. REALLY??!! I thought the tunes sounded ok. There's nothing magical (though Drums/Space was really good) at all in any of this Dead & CO (to me) but it's nice to hear the tunes being played live. I'm glad younger folks
  2. Exactly. Bertha The Eleven China->Rider ('73-'74 w/ Feelin' Groovey Jam) Visions of Johanna (I know, a Dylan tune) Jack Straw
  3. Also good for a laugh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62T9ESyOtJo
  4. Phil Lesh and The Terrapin Family Band
  5. We've been looking into Cuba but thought Trump put a ban on anyone not going in a group tour type deal....
  6. He wore a wig to an at-bat once when he was with the Red Sox. He spent a good chunk of one season in a mental hospital, too (bi-polar).
  7. I'm not a huge "Caution/Feedback" guy but one that stands out is Fillmore East 9.(20, I think).70....
  8. This is pretty cool: Fishman wins small-town government seat: https://consequenceofsound.net/2017/06/phish-drummer-jon-fishman-elected-to-local-office/
  9. Oh shit, this is great news. We just resumes Better Call Saul Season 2 last night and have Orange is the New Black hitting this or next week, too. Last day of school today (though I'm teaching summer school). Dead & LLC next week, I believe, too. So much time and so little to do....
  10. I'm not into stadium shows at all but will go to Mile High this Aug. as my wife has never seen them. I'd prefer the satellite....
  11. Shit, GnR were incredible live back in late 80s early 90s.....
  12. Beastie Boys, Woodstock "Sabotage" = epic: https://youtu.be/1YfRnIM5Yes
  13. "They're pretty good people, I liked them all right. Garcia called me a narc at one point, so I never really gave two shits for him, but him and my brother got along because they were guitar players. Mostly I just ignored them." Gregory Allman Garcia calls him out....
  14. Thrice on the trike.
  15. Buddy Rich was amazing. I tried to emulate him on my kit (and still do) as a kid, particularly the drum roll stuff he does starting at about 7:14 (barely holding the sticks while doing the fastest drum roll you can. He even plays his own sticks! https://youtu.be/Nhfdbon4728
  16. Ha. They had a nice montage (according to folks who were there) of Gregg up on the screen, too, for "Knockin'" That's about as much as I'd expect to honor the guy.
  17. Not interested in Dead & CO, either (though will go to at least 1 Boulder show) but, seriously, what the fuck are they supposed to do in tribute to Allman, dedicate a set, a show to him? Play several unrehearsed ABB tunes? It's not exactly a surprise that the he was on his way out, either.
  18. Bummer: http://pagesix.com/2017/05/26/chris-cornells-panicked-wife-reportedly-feared-drug-relapse/ http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/chris-cornell-aggressive-conversation-wife-article-1.3198088
  19. Did you put it in yourself, too, or leave it to the guys at Kmart to do?
  20. I used to have a forest green Rav4.
  21. Ha! I LIKE the tune (particularly the 4.20.83 version). That '86 one (last one) was pretty fucked up with just Brent and the drummers. Yikes.
  22. UVM. I still have a pretty raw audience recording of this show on tape. A really nice jam in the Scarlet. That whole show is very strong. That was the debut of "Maybe You Know," as well.
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