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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Speaking of different (early vs later) versions of tunes, "Bertha" is a weird one as it had a pretty rockin' tempo from the get-go, then slowed down quite a bit in 77-79, and then picked up tempo again in the 80s. I'd be willing to wager that the shifts in tempo had, at least in part, something to do with speedy drugs....Though apparently this had an opposite affect on TLEO.
  2. If any of you mentioning the 3.1.80 JGB show, the Early show and the Late show are both available on video, too. Well worth the watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idUIhfmOkfI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FYqzYqlRqw Yeah, they cave in.
  3. Cue to "Ramble on Rose" and it's on that "track" after the song ends. Fantastic stage banter: https://archive.org/details/gd71-10-30.prefm.nawrocki.26608.sbeok.shnf/gd1971-10-30d2t06.shn
  4. You obviously aren't listening to it correctly. I get excited upon the first note or 2 of the song just thinking about the potential enormity in the jam part of the tune (like on that 11.23.91 show!).
  5. Ditto. '77-'78 era (William & Mary College pops immediately to mind as does Englishtown) are, generally, all amazing, imo. Some of the playing on the back half of the tune epitomizes that era of the band, for me.
  6. Ha! Reminded me of the show from '71 that now slips my mind where some dude keeps pestering the band between songs to "Play Truckin'," ""Why won't you play it??!!," etc. Garcia: Come on, man. You gonna be a cop? Is that it? "Play Truckin', play Truckin'." We'll play whatever we like. And a little later, to the dude, he says: "What about all those people that might not like Truckin'? You ever think about that?!"
  7. I'm not sure if anyone said they don't want to hear any tune mentioned above, just that they aren't that into them as others seem to be. Truckin' always seemed like GD, jr. material to me for, some reason. It was ok fun to hear at shows but I have skipped it on tapes/discs and I'd likely switch the radio station if it came on. A friend got be a t-shirt up at Red Rocks a few years ago with "Truckin'" inside a CO licence plate. As a joke. The shirt was never worn and was given to someone else as a gift.
  8. I always liked Victim (the song evolved really nicely and it paired well with Foolish, which I loved from the get-go at Alpine in '88) as well as Corrina (slinky tune with some really cool guitar work and love Garcia's background harmonies).
  9. I'm with you on "Dark Star". Yeah, it's a trippy tune and the tendency for it to get "out there" and free-form is cool, but the onus put on it as THE definitive GD tune doesn't work for me. As for "deal," wow. I listened to an '81 Hampton "Deal", again, last night three times. It has some sonic vibe to it near the end that's really cool (plus a really long held note by Garcia). I definitely like the evolution of of 'deal," too, and love the rapid-fire fanning Garcia could rub on it. Truckin' always rubbed me wrong.
  10. Nice find. JGB did it several times even up to '94 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wKrI4I9Ns4) Another great '76 cover by JGB is "Moonlight Mile." Man, I wish he'd stuck with that tune: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nykZJpTfFI
  11. Hey NoJ, have you ever watched the series M*A*S*H? You might like that. too.
  12. A sparse fish taco enema, at that.
  13. This is likely the single most-listened to stretch /sequence of GD I've listened to in my life. Particularly from the Stephen on, I know this patch of music pretty much note/drum beat-to-note/drum beat (and vocal flub/laughter) .
  14. Yep. The Dancin' and the Franklins are both smokers, as well. There's nothing quite like the Dancin' jams from '77 to brighten me up.
  15. Apparently, it was a song originally recorded by Howlin' Wolf with Otis Spahn, Willie Dixon and a couple others. Didn't know that.
  16. Holy cow I never realized this (just looked the lyrics up). Sorry, mom, for cranking this song in in the house so often during the mid 70s.
  17. I'm listening to gdradio during lunch break and they're streaming a show I was at in '87 at Giants Stadium w/ Dylan. Pretty much as I remember these Dylan/Dead shows: the GD part typically solid and the Dylan/Dead part pretty awkward. Despite the GD part of the show (nice 1st set Bertha closer, Dew 2nd set opener!) the Dylan "sets" really didn't work too well, imo. It's almost comical seeing/hearing the GD trying to guess how Dylan will decide to deliver his lyrics at any given moment (see: "Queen Jane"). I remember these shows that summer as Dylan basically just barking out the lyrics w
  18. How big was the barrel, you mean? NOJ: listened to that Meat Puppets show from CHI in '07, I think, over the weekend/this morning that you sent me a few years back. Sounds like there's another dude singing on a few tunes other than Curt. Any insight?
  19. Odds on how long 45 will last in office by "presidential historian": http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/historian-says-donald-trumps-presidency-likely-to-be-second-shortest-in-history-a7583181.html
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