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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. My ex won tix to Jackie Greenes's Bday bash show last Saturday at the Warfield with Anders Osborn, Phil, Bob maybe?, etc. She flew out with her boyfriend or whatever he is and was asked to present the birthday cake and organized the crown in a "Happy Birthday" from stage. Jerk.
  2. JRAD tix prices doubled from a year or so ago to current, which is still a decent price.
  3. If I'm at a show watching a band play GD songs (or JGB songs, for that matter), I DO want to hear a close resemblance to Garcia. Save for JRAD, whom just have an amazing vibe and sound and uniqueness to them that other "cover" bands don't, I'll take the clones of DSO, current JGB, etc. any time....
  4. Are there really that many Mayer fans, particularly among the older folks? I guess so, and honestly, it kind of blows my mind a bit. I've been to a few shows and just find the music pretty pedestrian (has it's moments from time to time but nothing I'd ever go back to and listen on tape and/or even remember a couple days later). Personally, I'd still rather see a "Jerry clone" (Kadlicek, Mattson, Stu, etc.) than Mayer up there.
  5. Pretty sure he "retired: last summer....
  6. Agreed. Denver native. Lots of talk about HoF chances around here on sports radio. Unfortunately, reports are he had been flying erratically/on purpose: http://www.tmz.com/2017/11/08/roy-halladay-plane-crash-video-witnesses-showboating/
  7. Anyone know how to "un"-Mark This Forum as read?
  8. Watched this game ('long-time 'Skins fan) after the beat down on my local favorite team (Denver). What a great game (not just because WAS won). Man, the back-and forth was something. SEA kicker needs to get his shit together, too. Good lord, 3 misses??! I know it was wet and all, but wow.
  9. Looks like he's in the clear, at least in terms of kee[ping the leg: https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/doctors-stabilize-leg-of-bears-zach-miller-following-emergency-surgery/
  10. Yeah, not a fan of either team but this Series has been top-notch.
  11. This has been a curiosity of mine for a long while.The majority of officially released material is available, for free, in near identical quality.
  12. The back end of Truckin' from this show is smokin' ridiculous wailing on guitar by Garcia.
  13. And the Broncos for the first time in 25 years!
  14. And someone (Art Institute of Chicago spokesperson Amanda Hicks) told him it wasn't. .If it's been hanging in the same spot since 1933, there's a good chance Amanda may be on to something here. Even better than the real thing...
  15. Nice. Good era. Caught the New haven shows that spring. The Stephen Still stuff a few nights earlier was cool at Brendan Byrne, but not more so for the appearance rather than the playing....
  16. Can't watch from work but I remember Damon struck out to end that inning. Loosely translated: "The Duke"
  17. That's right! Swept BOS in ALDS....
  18. Cool. I'll check that out after work. I'm not necessarily a detractor of the documentary series (I liked it, for the most part), but there are some valid criticisms of it. Here are two I thought woerth the read/insight, as well: https://theintercept.com/2017/09/28/the-ken-burns-vietnam-war-documentary-glosses-over-devastating-civilian-toll/ (can't find the other one right now, it had to do, in part, with a Q &A at Harvard....)
  19. Not a pure sweep (4-3 in ALCS over CLE) but '07 Red Sox swept L.A. in the ALDS and COL in the WS... '99 NYY only lost 1 (to BOS in ALCS) for post-season....
  20. I don't know this band but remember watching this a year ago or so and thought it was pretty ballsy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jTMSBhPCZw
  21. Except that everybody hates the Yankees and the Dodgers.
  22. Definitely. I'd never heard of the band or the dude, but couldn't help thinking while reading the article how frequent similar behavior must be in the music scene behind the scenes. Not necessarily sneaking into bedrooms, etc., but assumptions and liberties being taken on female fans.
  23. Good show 10.16.89, particularly that 2nd set. Caught them the year before in St. Pete for Bob's bday.
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