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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Yeah, caught the 2 RFK shows. Dylan sounded like shit, but Petty/Heartbreakers were right on. First time I'd heard "Spike." And, loved it. Saw him walking around The Mall early the day of the second show holding hands with some chick and liked how he was just one of the peeps, in army cargo shorts and a tee.
  2. The beauty of the post season is that anything can happen, though, right? The Red Sox were the Wild Card team in '04 winning that first in a million years WS title. Marlins did it twice, St. Louis, Giants, etc. Maybe not likely, but certainly not that unlikely, either. And the Cubs aren't even a WC.... ed. I'm not rooting for the Cubs, just saying....
  3. You've GOT to scroll down to the "Sharp-Dressed Man" piece on the "Foolish Heart" video. Fucking hilarious!!
  4. Yeah, cracked me up: "As always, Bearded Mickey is terrifying." "There have been many frightful versions of Mickey: Russian Hat Mickey, Shirtless Mickey, Pantless Mickey, but Bearded Mickey is the scariest."
  5. While this entire site is cool, the take on the Musical mag cover is awesome: https://thoughtsonthedead.wordpress.com/tag/brent-mydland/
  6. Funny. Apparently he'd never heard the album The Revolution Starts Now (or even just "F the CC"), eh?
  7. Red Sox clinch AL east.....(hoping for a NYY loss and Sox win) Rockies would have to have a massive fail to not be playing D-Backs next Wed.
  8. One of the few people where the phrase "They're in a better place, now" likely does not apply.
  9. Because the Patriots, who are not undefeated like another team besides the Chiefs, aren't ranked 2nd?
  10. Here are my 5 random picks for best teams after 3 weeks (in no particular order): Rams Dolphins Chiefs Redskins Vikings
  11. I might take a leave of absence from work for a week or two to catch up on it.
  12. Was very excited to watch Ep. 1 after the great Redskins victory last night. I fell asleep 10 min. into it, though. Gonna do a re-do tonight.
  13. Nice. i was at this show, too, (maybe 16 and a sophomore?). Both Throwing Stones and Touch were just about a week old. I remember some older head asking me if I new what tune that were playing during 'Touch" and I said "no." He grimaced and laughed and said..."yeah, I remember MY first show!" I had Actually been to a few GD shows at that point and the tune was a week old! Tough crowd, heh.
  14. Yeah, what a complete fucking joke (unfortunately not). Great tweet: "Is that a real Zappa or is that a Sears Zappa?"
  15. It's happening, folks. Qdoba may lose it's grip over us all, now: http://www.9news.com/money/business/chipotle-exec-tells-employees-to-ignore-queso-haters/477853922
  16. Still not as good as the Patriots, though.
  17. Just listened to Mark Schlereth tout football as a sport that is a lot more than CTE and wonder why other sports (he referenced soccer and tennis) don't do studies about athletes and depression and drug and alcohol abuse as related to CTE. He unabashedly states that he feels football is being "picked on" in this manner. I listen to this dude most mornings on my drive to work and felt the need to text in this morning. He cited Aaron Hernandez as a bad example and called him a piece of shit as a human and stated that the majority of guys who play in the NFL are good people, etc. He missed the
  18. Have episodes 2,3,4 dvr'd. Need to wait until ep1 re-run on Sat. to record. No spoilers, please.
  19. I guess my point is that it isn't a realistic view of where teams stand after Week 2 (and I read the same /very similar ranking from SI). Projecting what Brady and/or Belichik can/might/will do has nothing to do with what has happened in the first 2 weeks, imo. But, if teams can get ranked simply because of who is on their staff and not what they have actually done, it's a great list!
  20. How do the Pats rank above, say, Denver? At #3?? They were rolled by an awesome Chiefs team (at HOME) and had a decent game against a bottom-tier Saints team. Ridiculous.
  21. Roger Goodell in nightclub brawl. If you haven't seen this, it's pretty funny: http://www.theonion.com/video/roger-goodell-suspended-4-games-nightclub-brawl-56884
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