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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Gotta disagree on London Calling. I like that through and through. Nothing I'd jettison, really. Sandinisita, on the other hand....I love a lot of that album but some of it is bunk. And, it's actually a triple album so doesn't really fit this forum topic I suppose. The antithesis of this topic: One of the best double albums, imo: Little feat: Waiting For Columbus.
  2. I'll go on record (or off, no matter to me really) as saying I like a lot of her tunes. I don't care a bit whether she wrote them or not, the tunes sound good to me. Celebrity Skin kicks ass. Live Through This is very good, too. Annoying? Sure. A lot folks are though, she's just more blatant. My kinda girl.
  3. The guy from DSO is actually quite good. I take these things with a grain of salt and will check them out if the price is right. It's just another group playing tunes I like so that in itself is ok by me. Stu Allen does an excellent job of covering Jerry's part in the JGB. His voice is eerily similar to Garcia's too. re: Aiko out of space. Always a great groove with the added oomph in there for the lyrics. There's an extra beat/vocal pop to them. One of the few tunes I think Donna generally shined on. Even early 80s one's sans Donna out of space are nice (I'm thinking UVA '82, in particula
  4. It was either Baseball Tonight (or whatever it's called now on ESPN) or the MLB channel that showed a similar bomb from pop Cecil in '81. That was a monster smash by Prince (one of two last night, as well).
  5. Cheers, greg!:badger:badger:huh:badger:badger:badger:badger:badger:badger:badger
  6. :badgerBest wishes! :badger:badger:badger:usa:badger:badger:badger:badger:badger
  7. Cheers ms.y!:badger:badger:badger:badger:badger:badger:monkey:badger:badger:badger:badger:badger:badger
  8. Is anyone debating that charging the mound is, generally, lame? I don't think so. The reason he charged the mound (the intentional beaning when there was no purpose to the beaning) is more the issue, to me at least.
  9. How were the Tigers "protecting" their player? The pitch that hit him (Cabrera) wasn't intentional. Youkilis doesn't crowd the plate. He gets selected for plunks because of his hitting. Throwing at guys is fine when it's called for (imo). This wasn't called for. You're right: no excuse to throw a helmet and yeah, of course it'll factor in to the suspension. If that was a tackle by Porcello then that really is a feral cat on Youkilis' face.
  10. The pitch that hit Cabrera was not intentional, though. Porcello went way inside as if to hit Martinez and then clearly went after Youkilis. It was not good baseball because he was going at opposing players intentionally when there was no need to. Cabrera crowds the plate and it was a fastball that was a little inside (in the strike zone). There's a difference. Taken from another site: Youkilis: “Two days in a row, and theway it was going, I had enough of it. At some point, you have toprotect yourself as a hitter and your teammates. I felt like I had todo what I had to do.” John Farrell (
  11. But the thing is that this had carried over from the night before's game. The team's were square so there was no need to plunk another Sox player. Especially Youks, who was plunked the night before. So really, he wasn't playing the game "the right way." ed. Not to mention he had come way inside on several pitches on several players previously to hitting Youkilis last night.
  12. The helmet was slowing Youk's time he had to get to the mound, particularly since Porcello was inching backwards while Youk progressed on him. The helmet had to be jettisoned and what better place to jettison it than at the douche who just plunked you? A little much, of course, but entertaining.On the NESN feed it came the second after a loooong commercial for a casino. As soon as they cut back to the game the pitch was in the air and sailing to Youk's shoulder/back. That was almost as funny as the helmet toss.
  13. I've seen Hunter a few times and always appreciate it. I like how he and Garcia interpret the same songs differently. I tend to think of RH as more of a troubador/story-teller than a musician.
  14. New Road Trips (Cal Expo '93) and Pure Jerry (Bay Area '78) due soon. Not a big fan of the Road trips slice/dice method of stringing together chunks of shows, particularly the "bonus" disc.... http://www.dead.net/?cmpid=dead080409
  15. Didn't make that Alpine show ^ but have always been a little put off by the treatment of Vince (not invited even though it was billed as a "Family Reunion" with "Surviving Members of the Grateful Dead"). Friends who went said Welnick was set up either in the lot or across the street playing tunes. Sad.
  16. I assume mb means outside "the box." I did that leg (as well as the Alpine and Buckeye leg) and those Oxford shows were smokin'. The Green Onions in Rochester was fun, too. Garcia sported a blazer for that show, iirc.
  17. I was hoping for a Loving Cup tonight. Ah, but there'll be plenty of other good things to come.... Divided Sky was the first tune they played the first time they played RR in '93, too.
  18. It was widely speculated in 2003 that BOS was trying to clear the $100+M obligation to Manny to open up payroll for a bunch of other big name re-signings at the time (pedro, Nomar, etc.). Also, this was a short time after a bunch of episodes in which Manny, essentially, refused to play and was benched (was out partying on a night he sat for a game claiming he was too sick, etc.). Also, rumor was that Manny and his agent had asked to be traded and there was no secret that he wanted to go to the NYY. Putting him on irrevocable waivers, with that hefty contract, was a pretty easy way for the NYY
  19. "All Things Must Pass"- George "Junior's Farm"- Paul "Watching the Wheels"- John "Band on the Run"- Paul "With a Little Luck"-Paul
  20. This site usually gives the links to official sources/confirmations: http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/
  21. The minor leaguers are tested more frequently (regular basis) than the major leaguers (random). At least that's my understanding. MLers that are signed make a minimum of 6 figures. Sure a player could take PEDs to "just be a better player." I don't assume I know anyone elses motives. The (sic)"vast oversimplification" is that it involves greed and deception- whether that entails wanting to be a better player than your natural abilities allow (greed) or wanting to earn more money as a result of the deception that comes with using banned/illegal substances. Either way works for me. And Arod
  22. Not a great analogy. MLB players' salaries bottom out (minimum) in the six figures. Most people can live comfortably/well off of a six-figure income. It's greed and deception when taking illegal/banned substances to gain more, imo.
  23. Indifference. With a first-pitch double off the wall! ed. Did you catch Joe Pantoliano's (or whatever his name is) ramble during the game last night from the booth? Yoinks.
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