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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Springsteen's "The Rising" and U2's "Pride (In the Name of Love)" were show stealers. Two stellar performances.
  2. I picked it up at the library a few weeks ago. Great sound. Some nice playing. I think these shows were a bit under the radar because of the sound (at least in all the ones I had heard previous to this). The shows were not spectacular but they were quite solid, imo. Some nice nuggets in there.
  3. Moss: Give me a holler pronto. I do Opening Day each year....
  4. The R&R HoF board consists of Jann Wenner and a small handful of his cronies, iirc. It's a closed panel and I'd imagine there's not tons of analytical thought that goes into the decisions. Maybe I'm wrong on that but either way the decisions are apparently based on what this small group deems worthy. Grain of salt, and all.
  5. Weren't they supposed to play the inaugural ball? Along with The Dead, too? Did I dream that or read that?
  6. Just got this email from Jam Cruise 7 that just wrapped up. Les Claypool and a lot of good bands, imo: http://www.jamcruise.com/jc7/home.php
  7. I'd pick an AL game over a NL game just because of the interest in how they play having a little more affect on the team I root for. Either way, I'll take a baseball game, regardless of the league, over just about any other thing on t.v. to watch and certainly to see live.
  8. Good call. With Watt, too. I've looked into this before. Looks like a great time. JamCruise sails every year the past 6-7 years around this time for 5-6 days....
  9. Did he really want to hurt him, though?
  10. Papelbon going to arbitration.... Good signing with Youkilis, too. Nice price.
  11. Torre would be going into the HoF as a player, not a manager (if voted in).
  12. I think this is too broad of a generalization. The NL throws away an out every time a pitcher bats, basically. This alone doesn't equate to the DH in the AL increasing runs by a gargantuan margin. I think payrolls, parks, etc. come in to play as equally as the DH/non-DH factor. Hey, I'm right there with you, man. re: managing. I agree (and stated early) that managing in the NL is a harder job than managing in the AL.
  13. Inferior, yet somehow overall better quality... Hmm.
  14. I could post a picture of the color red and you would call it blue, bob. Or at least crimson, or something.
  15. O.k. I was responding to Jules, not you. Calm down.
  16. Triples can be more exciting. A walk-off or necessitated HR to tie/come within range/win a ball game is more exciting then a triple in a lot of cases, too. And, there are only 9 players playing offensively or defensively at any given time, still.
  17. Don't start, Jules. There's generally more strategy involved in NL, I agree. I don't necessarily find it to make the game more enjoyable to watch by any noticeable margin, though.
  18. "Far more" enjoyable? I notice the difference in play from both leagues (generally speaking) but at the end of the game it's still baseball. I enjoy watching both leagues and particlarly interleague play.
  19. Anything dirty or dingy or dusty, Anything ragged or rotten or rusty, Yes, I love trash.
  20. Wouldn't you credit this though, at least partially, to the DH slot that allows sluggers to extend their careers? The AL seems to sign veteran players more, as well. Money in NYY/BOS/ANA, etc. doesn't hurt. Interleague play shows that AL teams dominate (at least the past 4-5 years) over NL teams. I'm sure pitching/fielding come in to play heavily, here, as well as AL park v. NL parks, but the offense has to be a big part of that, too.
  21. Opinion, of course, but I'll assume better "watchability" to you means lower scoring games, watching a pitcher strike out a few time per game, and more finagling of runs? I like watching both leagues play and appreciate the overall reliability on strategy that is necessary in the NL over the AL (broadly speaking, of course) but also enjoy a game with DHs affecting games, too. It's harder to manage a NL team, I'd imagine, but this doesn't necessarily translate to me that NL games are inherently more enjoyable to watch. Just my take, anyway.
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