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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. ...the Humanoid Boogie`s got the humanoid hip-types jumpin' and-a jivin', burnin' out their energy cells like an infrared hot dog.
  2. I'm a huge Paul Reubens fan: from his early days doing stand-up in seedy nightclubs to his later years of sitting down in seedy theatres.
  3. Wow. I was sort of right. But so what if the site is disappearing? Doesn't the site name say it all?
  4. Ditto. Something tells me it doesn't refer to Joe Morgan or Tim McCarver, though.
  5. I'd give this a listen, too. Dolly knows her shit.
  6. 2008 Silver Slugger Award winners: 2008 WINNERS American League 1B
  7. My understanding of EqA is that it's a better barometer for a hitter's ability as it figures in H/A splits into many more offensive categories.... Focusing only on his Home/Away split doesn't paint the whole picture. Either way, the only way we'll know if it was a good deal is when the season starts. Gonzalez could be a bust offensively (he's already solid defensively) and have to be sent down to hone skills early on. Street finished the season very strong and barring injury could take the closer role or at least be a barteriong chip for much needed starting pitching. Holliday could out-perf
  8. So we can expect the quality of the series to plummet? I've heaqrd some of these just suck compared to others that are very good reads. I guess that comes with the turf of varied authors, though.
  9. We came home once to find a dog (Sadie, who now lives "in the mountains") had opened the 'fridge and removed the large remainder of a 16 lb. turkey onto the floor. It was still in the pan and upright, too! She was just getting started on it when we busted her.
  10. The Home/Away split is one part of his offense you can look at. Another is EqA which has him at .304 for his career. Either way, it'd be hard for OAK to "underperform" any more than have the last few years. They were near dead-last in offense last year, too. Coors is a hitters park but not because of the altitude. And sure, OAK is a pitcher's park. I actually think Holliday will be fine there but as always - who knows until he plays? He's looking to showcase his skills for FA so my bet is he'll be even more productive than he was for the Rockies. As for Peavey: looks like ATL is ready to mov
  11. Good call, especially the acoustic version off of With the Lights Out. However, "All Apologies" is a beautifully sentimental tune for me, particularly off the MTV in New York acoustic show. That, and their cover of The Vaselines "Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam" are gorgeously heart-felt.
  12. She may just try to keep MG from the opening!
  13. The Red Sox are notorious for cultivating players deep into their system and hanging on to them through to the top.
  14. Maddon and Piniella voted Managers of Year: http://www.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...sp&c_id=mlb Oh, and have we posted this yet?- from yesterday, Lincecum voted NL Cy Young winner: http://www.sportsline.com/mlb/story/11098522
  15. Well this certainly sounds good. Maybe we'll finally get the answer to the question: "How does an axe chop off one part of one finger that is in the middle of all the other fingers?"
  16. Don't corrupt the thread with facts/stats/numbers, jacobnicholas!
  17. Yes. MIL RHP Salomon Torres retires: http://www.jsonline.com/blogs/sports/34282374.html FLA RHP Henry Owens suspended 50 games for using PEDs: http://www.rotoworld.com/Content/playernews.aspx?sport=MLB MIN RHP Pat Neshek out for 2009 season w/ Tommy John surgery: http://www.rotoworld.com/Content/playernews.aspx?sport=MLB
  18. I meant that people who do not vote are as equally represented by whomever is in office as the person who did not vote (for whatever reason). The elected officials do not merely represent those who participated by voting.
  19. I agree it's a civic duty, much as jury duty is, but honestly, does it matter to you if the guy next to you voted or not and if so, how would you even know?
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