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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Getting the box with the x, unfortunately. I'll assume it's Sveum waving someone home who gets nailed easily at the plate.
  2. There are some monsters from the late 70s but the first one that always pops into my head is the S->F from Poplar Creek, Il. in '83. It's one of the early 80s quick-jam Scarlet's but the chord progressions and build up in it are really nice. I've got a bunch that are up there, though.
  3. So Dale "Send 'em Home" Sveum is the coach for the last two weeks, eh? I guess he was the bench coach for a spell.
  4. Yeah, man. I wonder what was up with Kazmir tonight. He looked like he was under the influence of something/sick/out of his element.
  5. Cutler ends up looking good but he really blew that game. I was surprised to see Shanahan go for 2 near the end. Ballsy move. Stupid move? Had that play gone sideways he'd have been abused in the press. Now he too looks good. What a fickle scenario.
  6. I, for one, welcome our new ant overlords. Are you talking about change or talk of change?
  7. Because a candidate is "for" things you agree with does not mean those things will actually happen. I understand the ideology behind it and the cause to vote for the person you agree with, but that alone doesn't mean shit will actually change. There's still a checks-and-balances system and a lot of what both sides preach never amounts to squat. Yeah, voting is cool. Voice heard and all. Change? I'm not convinced.
  8. The differences, in my opinion, are slight. Campaign promises are one thing. Action is another. Everyone gets caught up in the hype of a new future but reality dictates that it's the same ol' song and dance. Obama made a great speech and says things people want to hear. So what? Yeah, I'm jaded.
  9. But writing in a candidate gets slammed. It's not so much the candidates as the process/confinements. I'm not "waiting around" for a decent human to step up as much as I am comfortable with the educated knowledge that a lot of the machine is horse shit. Sorry. I don't buy that things will change. It's my take. I'm aware of the implications of Supreme Court justices being appointed, etc. That is important to me. Whether or not I'm on a local board of my city doesn't matter for shit in this conversation. Small town/city change is easier to delegate/monitor/participate in. What matters, to
  10. I was cocked one night in an elevator with those new kids. They were staying at the same hotel. I almost jumped onto their tour bus. Long hairs/short hairs momentarily living in unity.
  11. You miss the entire point. I'm not saying it's "cool" not to vote. Eh. I guess anyone who doesn't vote loses his/her constitutional rights to voice opinions. I agree that you should vote for what your heart tells you to, for whom aligns with your voice personally. My question: what if your heart tells you "no one?" Accordingly, you should still vote!!!
  12. I hear you, speedracer. And I agree with you to an extent. Emptying the garbage can only makes more room for more garbage, though.
  13. Yep. What's more democratic than having the ability/choice to abstain from partaking in a system you believe is a failure through and through? I am not trying to be a contrarian or throw bullshit out, though it may seem so to some, but opting not to cast a "voice' for shit you don't believe in doesn't mean you have no say in the matter. Why is that so hard to grasp? It's all about choices, anyway. Telling someone that they should shut their mouth if they don't vote for one of two people is democracy? Come on.
  14. The under-30 white evangelical vote is a tough one to garnish, apparently. Don't underestimate the oft-neglected Eskimo vote that Palin has wrapped up, too.
  15. Hey dcarter: Four posts into this thread it became a "is there anybody left to change their mind?" thread more than an "issues" thread. It's probably not what mountainbed had in mind but it is what it is. If you want to call me out or others out it's fine, but be kind enough to do so instead of making a generalization. I'll gladly go to bat for what I've said as it wasn't to push buttons or elicit responses but to respond to Louie B.'s query.
  16. Horse shit. It's not breaking a law to not vote. A person may have reasons to not vote that simply don't mean anything to others. It's a choice. That simple. It doesn't mean you automatically secede your voice. I've never understood that unless you are part of the system that your rights to express your opinions are revoked.
  17. That blows. I bet his obit. is really, really long.
  18. Louie, I agree with you to a great extent. However, my conscience does come in to play in these things. It's not as cut and dry for me as "do I want more of the Bush regime" shoved up my ass for the next four years. I'll more than likely end up voting for Obama (unless the polling lines are too long) but there's a part of me that doesn't want to, as well. He may be the better choice, in my eyes, but as long as I've been a voter I've yet to see any real changes made that I can sit back and say "excellent. I'm glad I voted for him!" Maybe I'm just near-sighted, I don't know. I'm chagrined over b
  19. I'm not sure I am, yet. If I do, it may not be anybody of consequence, either. I may not even vote. Though I probably will. So many decisions....
  20. I'm not sold on him. I look forward to the debates. I think he's the better of the two candidates, but not necessarily the right person for the job.
  21. Those are fantastic. One particular one I take a shine to: In Wallingford, CT Bob introduced his drummer as "George Recile from Hartford, CT." When no one in the audience seemed to care that his drummer was from Hartford Bob pointed at George and repeated "George Recile from Hartford, CT." When no one still seemed to care Bob looked at George with a big grin on his face and said "You're from Hartford, right?"
  22. I'm torn between a write-in and Obama, actually. But I don't need any convincing at this point.
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