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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I remember Double Fantasy playing all the time around the time of his death. "Starting Over" and "Woman" in particular. And of course "Imagine" became the song most closely assosiated with that day. I was 14 at the time and December 8th always brings back sad memories of that day/period for me as it's one of my brother's birthdays, as well. I always get a melancholy feeling recalling the emotion that surrounded the entire event. Just a heavy memory overall.
  2. I clicked "cookies" and it wiped out all my passwords/log-ins on email, etc. In fact, I needed to get sent a password to log back in to post this. Thanks anyway, though (not sarcasm).
  3. How do I do this cookies thing? the forum stuff is running real slow for me, even requesting help in "Feedback" isn't taking. Hmmmm....
  4. Phillies new home day-game uniforms: http://philadelphia.phillies.mlb.com/news/...sp&c_id=phi Big news, I know.
  5. Request: Are any of you "members" over at the official Dead site? http://www.dead.net/forum I re-joined in June when they revamped the site and have posted intermittently over there since. However, when I switched computers a week or two ago I had to re-log in. For whatever reason it won't take my log-in name or password. I have sent a "new password" request 5-6 times with no success. I have emailed the site customer service people with no response. I cannot email marye (forums site admin.) because I can't log in to email her. If anyone has an account over on the forum and wouldn't mind
  6. This is super. I actually had to teach "The Hustle" to elementary kids when I was a P.E. teacher my first year teaching (foot in the door deal). I never learned how to do it myself and always had a fifth or sixth grade girl model it for the classes. Not because I'm a pussy, but because I simply had trouble learning it for whatever reason. But I digress:
  7. Milton Bradley to Rangers: http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...fext=.jsp&p If he can stay healthy he's a nice addition to any club. He's coming off that acl tear in his fracas with the umpire last fall, though. Also, it looks as if the NYY will be picking up LaTroy Hawkins.
  8. Gagne has had a string of injuries the last 4-5 years. Spending $10 M on him seems ludicrous considering their payroll.
  9. It may be an age thing. I get the same kind of anxiety often after one cup of regular coffee these days. Not every time, but often. It's a very unpleasant feeling. So, I usually drink de-caf if I drink coffee. I like the taste of coffee, so that works fine for me. I don't drink it for the rush as I did when I was younger. Coffee contains a lot more caffeine than typical sodas, particularly the drip type from the machine. Your body requires larger and larger doses to produce the same effect over time (that of triggering the dopamine that gives you the pleasure feel of the caffeine rush). T
  10. Honestly, I don't think I've ever even heard a Coldplay song before. I'm not saying they aren't "big" or anything, but I don't think their impact will be more than a pimple on the music scale five years from now. Bands like that come and go all the time and are mere ibids in a footnote.
  11. My post was partially jest, of course. I'd submit that it's the other way around, though, and that the GD opened doors for a lot of the bands you've mentioned. The Dead were a DIY group from the get-go, fiercely non-mainstream (at least for the majority of their tenure), could give a shit about their image, played what they wanted with disregard to radio-friendly formats, and actually influenced a lot of the post-Punk bands (certainly Black Flag and the Minutemen). A lot of those post-punkers were into the GD: Meat Puppets, Jane's Addiction, Black Flag ( and Greg Ginn was a big deadhead, a
  12. Birthday wishes out to you, ma'am.
  13. Large doses of Mountain Vibes swirling counter-clockwise from here to you, froggie.
  14. I'll make this easy: 1965- Grateful Dead formed. 1995- Garcia dies. GD disband.
  15. :cheers Triple cheers, man! Have a great day. "I'm a little bit older now, but I know my stuff."
  16. Mitch Hedberg on Letterman. I laughed out loud: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2491LucLa1g
  17. Good for you, Crow. Life throws us curve balls all the time and it's nice to be able to hit them out of the park now and again.
  18. Really, Sir S., do yourself a favor and rent it. It's classic Jim Henson, great tunes, funny, and touching. Another Jim Henson flick I don't think gets enough credit is The Bunny Picnic. Not a Christmas-time flick, but a great one for all the same reasons listed above.
  19. Anybody interested in listening to the new Road Trip series before considering a purchase: http://www.dead.net/features/news/general-...listening-party
  20. A truly great movie. Forgot about that one. Nice call.
  21. DUI: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Gh5a_uemynU
  22. The ball players' collective salaries have paled in comparison to the increases in revenue, though. I think MLB players are payed extremely well, but when compared to the amount of money coming into the game and how much it's increased with revenue sharing, their pay scale has not risen comparatively. It sounds absurd, but it's true. In winter meeting news: Aaron Boone signs with the Nationals!!!!
  23. Not for nothing, but I posted a list and a link yesterday to a forbes.com article detailing revenue-to-spending percentages of MLB teams from a year or two ago. The Marlins are dead last at 15 %. Take the stats with a grain of salt, but the point is that the team has not re-invested it's revenue into player contracts at a comparable rate as even the middle of the pack. This isn't to say they can not be competitive, but it does show the lack of commitment from ownership. Revenue sharing continues to climb at a healthy rate every year, too. For all teams.
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