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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Yeah. So most of the people, huh? They ain't your people so they blow, right? Now don't get me wrong, I don't know a lot of 'em, but let's not force our past on the kids. Christ....so younger kids appreciate utter shit?! SO WHAT? Your folks thought your music was crap, too. Plus...I love you.
  2. Not true. I have small ears. Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island.
  3. You're like a miniature Buddha covered in hair.
  4. The Aoxomoxoa outtakes have been around for awhile. This is where you'll find the "Mts. of the Moon" with the choir. Better than the one they went with, IMO. Garcia made some pretty severe cuts (end of tunes, omissions, etc.) on a lot of tunes prior to the final official release. This is where you'll find one of the originals of "Barbed Wire Whipping Party," as well. Here's a link from archives.org to download. It is in SHN. format. I've tried to download it but can't covert the shn for whatever reason. I've got an old tape of it, though. Click on the first link in the thread: http://www.ar
  5. I agree that she did bring something nice to some tunes (WRS, Passenger, etc.) but I dislike her parts in Scarlet, Playin', and any other where she's relegated to the cat screeching warbling. It's grating. I saw her a few months back in her Donna Jean and the Tricksters band. Age has thankfully allowed her the good fortune to lose the high-end wail and she sounded really nice. She had another gal with her and they complimented each other nicely. This is what I imagine her sounding like when she did backup vocals for Elvis, Otis Redding, etc.
  6. Ditto. And I much prefer Keith's piano work with the dead in the 72-74 era, when he was still lucid. Towards the end he was a guitar-mimicking zombie and should have been forced out sooner than '79. The thing with GD music is that there are many varied eras to consider. I was thinking about this the other day: when you're in the mood for certain types of music you select certain types of musicians/bands that compliment the feel or mood you're in at the time. For example, you might be inclined to pop in a Feelies disc on a bright sunny day while cruising down a country road but would rather l
  7. I've read all three, too. Pretty poorly written and good for a few decent stories. They won't be receiving Pulitzers. I had Phil sign his book for me at a signing when it first came out, so that one's a keeper. BTW, I've heard P&F are playing the Sweetwater in San Fran this Sunday night....
  8. I'll add that Live Archives (http://www.archive.org/details/audio) has around 2800 Dead shows you can listen to. The sbds are now only available for streaming but you can download the aud. recordings. There is a lot of material, obviously.
  9. I have favorite eras of the band as well but don't like to limit my listening. Sometimes I'm not in the mood for a 15 minute Lovelight with Pig screaming at the top of his lungs (though at other times this suits me just fine) but prefer a nice boppin' Corrina from '93. There was a lot of good/great music made beyond the early 80s and into the 90s. Stuff like Standing on the Moon, There Are Days, Broken Arrow, It's All Too Much, etc. were often very well done. That 73/74 stuff is generally all good material. The "swing" aspect of the band was in full-force and the transitional material (Ch
  10. Definitely a fluke. The thing with Beltre is that he typically doesn't start hitting well (better?) until the second half of the season, at which point it's impossible to match his numbers from 2004. From a Fantasy perspective he's frustrating to have for any extended amount of time on the roster because he's hot/cold/hot/cold so much.
  11. I hope this catches on in Colorado. I'd be more than willing to accept kickbacks from the kids in exchange for better grades.
  12. I too remember going to games at Fenway (as well as The Toilet in the Bronx and Shea Stadium) in the 70s and early 80s and have to say I prefer the way things are now. My dad would take myself and 4 brothers to the games and it was all he could do sometimes not to swing at guys. The "anything goes" days made for some unpleasant situations, IMO. Fights were an accepted part of the ballpark "experience" back then and the drunks spilling beer and screaming profanities was pretty out of hand most of the time. Security was pretty much non-existent. I remember seeing guys blowin' lines on the ra
  13. Yeah, I don't remember hearing he re-signed either. http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...cs-sports-print
  14. The Mariners banned them too (made people wearing them during a NYY series to turn them inside out). I believe they are banned at Fenway now, too.
  15. No. I think The Post made up a blurb about a parent having to remove his 10-year old from sitting behind her so it of course became "news worthy." And just for the record, I personally don't care too much about the print on her shirt but I do understand that it may be offensive to other people/kids.
  16. Ah, I missed that Buehrle re-signed. Been out of the loop the last week. Overpaying/throwing "X" million dollars at players who are not worthy of it is not new to NYY baseball and certainly not merely a Cashman flaw.
  17. Besides being tasteless and showing zero class to be sporting it at a public day-time ballgame, no problem.
  18. I respectfully disagree with both of these sentiments. I think Cashman is a fantastic GM. He's a very bright guy who is professionally cut-throat and has proven he can take the constant pressure in NY and from Steinbrenner. Of course, he's probably aged an extra 10-15 years during his tenure and looks like a lemur on a blow bender, but he's done admirable work for the NYY. He does need to fix the pitching issue and A-rod may be the key to that. I do agree that Torre should be spared, as well. I think it was an idiotic move for Mrs. Rod to sport that shirt in public. WTF is that all about?
  19. I'm thinking this is being mistakenly interpreted. I sense a calm before the storm thing happening. Even id Georgie is touched in the head, he's got a battery of henchmen to advise him.
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