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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. The meniscus tear happened mid-way through last year, too. He also has recent shoulder problems from a slide last week and the irregular heartbeat stuff from last August still worries me.
  2. Sure! There are several in Denver (particularly Bill's) I hit when looking for something to do. Great way to kill an hour or so. Always lots of cool old photographs and whatnot.
  3. While Bill Jenkinson (author of The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs) is considered an expert/scholar on Ruth and a respected SABR member, I couldn't get past 20 pages or so of the book. The spray charts were kind of cool but the premise was lacking in substance from the get-go, IMO. Addressing the fact that he looks at the factor of ball parks in regards to home runs...that's his specialty. The long ball. I agree it makes a hard sell with his projections to ignore other important considerations. Then again, I generally think it's futile to compare the "what-ifs" when considering how mode
  4. I don't think so, but I disagree with some people who think Schilling is a douche bag for answering a question honestly. Schilling is a douche bag at times, but I don't see this as one of those times. He answered a question from a reporter and the answer happens to be in agreement with what most people already believe. What's really "newsworthy" about the situation is how Bonds goes after Costas with the name-calling because he had the audacity to ask Schilling the question. That's a good bit, there.
  5. So it's unreasonable for him to sue for libel/whatever and it's unreasonable for him to deny his innocence? His lawyers are telling him not to say he's innocent, in other words.
  6. O.k., let's assume what you're saying is reasonable. How about speaking out against the allegations, at least, then? Wouldn't you be inclined to at least vehemently deny false allegations against you? I don't know what he has to gain by dodging questions, being elusive, and not frankly stating "I did not use steroids." Does it make any sense for an innocent person to remain stubbornly mum regarding serious allegations to his character?
  7. This has been the main thing for me all along. If he's innocent he'd be suing and screaming to anyone who'll listen that it's lies. He hasn't done that. It would certainly be worth it as his integrity and legitimacy as a ball player are on the line. There's no reason he would not pursue a lawsuit against the writers of the book, at least, if he were innocent. Schilling does have a big mouth and I haven't seen the interview, but I believe he was merely answering a question from Costas and gave an honest answer. It wouldn't be the first time he's talked openly about what he believes.
  8. I say hire a dude to carry them. They ain't cheap, but they're flashy.
  9. I was jacked for this game.. Nice to see the boy back.
  10. Protesting those who believe that girls should both work and have fun, of course.
  11. The hate in me is unbearable at times. I seethe with rage over this whole thing. And you are more animal than man to like a show I don't like/know about.
  12. I really like Earle's TRSN. It doesn't sound forced to me, but immediate. The distinction being that he needed to scream some of this stuff off his chest and loudly. I think the majority of the album is well-written, too. "F the CC" sounds a bit forced, but it's a hoot nonetheless.
  13. Rolling Stone needs to lay off the "lists" gig for a spell. They continue to trump themselves in inanity.
  14. A couple times a year I'll toss this in. Today was one of those times. Every time I say to myself: man, I forgot how damn good this album is.
  15. If you're wanting to do a blast through the mountains on a nice day-trip on your off day, I'd suggest either Mount Evans (accessible through Idaho Springs) or Rocky Mountain National Park (accessible through Estes Park). Both are about an hour from Denver and are beautiful drives. The likelihood of seeing moose, elk, mountain goats, etc. are very good and the views are incredible. It's also a nice escape from the heat of the city. Then again, you may come from mountain country and this may not interest you.... Denver is full of night life, too. There's always a ton of bands on any given
  16. I haven't seen the "Who's Now" thing and don't even know what it's about, really. I rarely watch espn/Sporst Center anymore. I'll do Baseball Tonight if there's no game on. Waaaay too much fluff and everybody's a comedian or trying to coin a new catch-phrase. Give me a game and a newspaper for the box scores and I'm content.
  17. Is your stay extended at all or will be in town just for the two days?
  18. Let me search for an old thread to re-post my list. I'm sure MysticalSpiral will have some input, too. Definitely hit Pete's diner on Colfax, though. A great place for after-show eats. A Denver institution. The Rockies are not in town, either. Coors field is a gorgeous park to catch a game in.
  19. Listened to this in the car while working today. Twice.
  20. I'm a big Earle fan, as well. Have you listened to the album he did with The Del McCoury Band yet? Fantastic stuff, that.
  21. Who's debating tonight? Seriously. Who's debating?
  22. Not to mention it was posted in the "More Dates On WilcoWorld For September" thread a day earlier by somebody so as not to clog the main board. Oh well. ed. I'm assuming "BaseMatt" works at jambase.com, though....
  23. Wow. I want "in" on that action. Sounds like a blast. Enjoy.
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