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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. For us it was The Price is Right for weekday mornings (something about Bob Barker's wit and slightly condescending nature just seemed to work) and both The George Michael Sports Machine and The Young Ones on Sunday nights. Quincy is a good one, though.
  2. Decent interview, man. It is cool to see Nels get some recognition for his work. He's been at it a long time and is so well respected beyond his Wilco work. A Banyan question would have been nice, too. Though I'm not sure he's got time to play with Perkins much these days.
  3. He is better live. He's known to play several instruments at once and does some pretty cool feed-back/loop stuff. He's a one-man band.
  4. Weir will probably come out and do a tune or two with Keller (he's featured on a tune on Keller's new album and digs the cat) and vice versa. I'm not a huge Keller fan but he's pretty damn talented. Look for him to join Ratdog for a tune or two. Ratdog has gotten progressively better over the years. They are more free-form and Jazzy these days. Better than they were a few years ago, for sure. Kimmock is sitting in for Mark Karan who's got an undisclosed illness. Should be good times.
  5. You're asking this on a Wilco board? tsk-tsk. I'd say..........Wilco. But then again, I've never even heard of The National, so grain of salt here.
  6. I'm not understanding the train of thought as to how the friend would seemingly dig RA because she likes modern Country. What's the connection, here? And nice work A-man.
  7. I'm not going to re-hash the same argument we've had several times but will just state again that I disagree with a lot of your points. I did not/do not expect him to admit using steroids-whether on a national broadcast or in front of a grand jury- as he is Barry Bonds. He is incapable of accepting the shit storm he deserves because he's seemingly incapable of being forthright with himself, the press, and the fans. My only point was that it's somewhat irritating for some baseball fans (myself, certainly) to watch Bonds dismiss allegations and their consequences and attempt to make himself
  8. I was thinking the exact same thing but wasn't sure how to present it without it being misconstrued.
  9. Precisely. I used to use the same tactics as a kid: if I tried really hard to believe I didn't do it, well then, I didn't do it.
  10. The Gammons interview with Bonds last night was painful to watch. He certainly had some prepared statements to make and it would have been okay if he hadn't prated on about how he shouldn't be judged by third parties for several minutes. Simply put, he's a guy who refuses to face evidence that he's done what he's done and dismisses it by continuously side-stepping the truth in hopes that he can come across as misunderstood. His veneer is rice paper thin.
  11. I like it a lot. I remember on my first listen of the album being pretty amused with the loud chimes clanging away in the tune. They came at me unexpectedly and seemed to sort of interrupt the tune, but I soon liked the fit/niche they present in the song. I think it's a pretty damn funky tune.
  12. Anybody else catch the HBO miniseries "The Bronx is Burning" last night? Pretty decent. John Turturro does a pretty good Billy Martin, as does the cat playing Reggie. They also went all-out finding guys/doing make-up to make Thurman and Yogi look and sound uncannily real. The Jimmy Breslin actor was spot on, too. I'm liking the quality of it so far.
  13. Sir S: Did you live in OB solo, with a roommate, or with a group of folks? If you can get cheap rent in OB I'd agree with the suggestion. I wasn't aware you could, though, without renting a house with a bunch of folks. Here's something that might help, too: http://www.rent.com/rentals/california/san...nity/san-diego/
  14. No job? No idea where to live? I'd be tentative on the move, but that's me. I don't know where they are moving from and what cost of living index they're used to, but San Diego (which of course in German means "a whale's vagina") isn't cheap. Unless they have some decent money saved up they shouldn't expect to be living on/near the water. Average apartments go for around $1300/mo. in San Diego, in general. There are affordable neighborhoods but they need to search. Basically, the further from the beach, the better the deal.
  15. I think bacon worship is. I mean, it's bacon.
  16. Yeah, why don't I go eat some hay. I can make things out of clay, or lay by the bay, I just may. Whaddya say?
  17. I see the cases of Buzz Cola are going for around $50 on eBay (with shipping costs). I picked a case up yesterday for $12. Aren't all the 7-11s selling the stuff? I know only a select few changed the signs to Kwik-E Mart, but I believe you can pick the stuff up at any 7-11 for the next few weeks....
  18. In that case, kick him twice.
  19. That looks like a pretty cool exhibit. After the interview, kick him in the NYY-lovin' crotch for me. Actually, I'm looking forward to the "Bronx is burning" or whatever it's called mini-series beginning tonight on espn.
  20. Suddenly, it's like the wind has been taken 'neath our wings. Awkwardly silent, even. Maybe it's just the AS break....
  21. Good album, but I like Celebrity Skin more so. It's always the first one I'll go to if in the Hole mood. A great disc for driving, too.
  22. I thought he was over that meat-only deal. I like how when he was "managing" the band the guys were eating only loads of meat and drinking milk. I met Owsley once , very briefly, backstage at a Boston Garden show in either '93 or '94. He's a pretty short and compact dude.
  23. Apparently there's one in Denver.
  24. I'm confused as to what "lead the way" means. Lead the way how? We're a democracy of varied opinions and beliefs. If you don't like something you're allowed to try and change it. I'm not sure what you expect a dude who writes and plays tunes to do for you, though.
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