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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I always just assumed Chuck had a way with words.
  2. I'm already feeling queasy from way too many of these: .................................................
  3. I think I remember reading about kids getting violently sick from taking that stuff. I think the anticipated effects are on the urban myth side.
  4. We've got nothing like that at my school. In fact, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance is optional and left to the discretion of each individual classroom teacher. We also do not celebrate/officially recognize Halloween or Easter. We do a Kwanzaa/Christmas/Hanukkah gloss-over at that time of year, too. I always figured there's plenty of time to do your belief practices before/after work/school. Isn't it easier that way anyway? Work/school is for, uh, work/school. If my belief is to watch 3 hours of Golden Girls a day should I get a pass on that at work?
  5. Is the faith practicing on the clock or before and/or after work, though? Just curious here. And I do agree that Christians get a bad rap these days. .
  6. I don't care if these folks want to get together and talk Jesus, Krishna, or Rutabaga, but isn't there a "separation of church and state" issue here, or maybe even an "on the clock" deal?
  7. A circular argument that seems to be going nowhere. Like it or not, the stat has value and meaning. Maybe it will be recognized as an inflated/over-emphasized stat some day, but it still holds value and meaning in today's game. Maybe when it's accepted within the game as an inflated/over-emphasized and generally useless stat it will become meaningless. Blyleven is a good example of someone who deserves to be in the HOF and isn't and I agree that the emphasis on Wins is a key factor in keeping him out (though I've seen other reasons cited as well, such as lack of Cy Young, etc.). He's
  8. You misunderstand me. The "value" of the statistic that is "Wins" is dictated by agents, players, managers, general managers, and owners. These are all people within the game. Bill James may have a formula that shows that Wins have little true value. That does not make the stat meaningless as they are still used to gauge a MLB pitchers worth.
  9. And I agree with this. Again, that doesn't make the stat meaningless as it is a key factor in dictating a pitcher's value.
  10. No, I did not say that. I do not believe that Wins hold no inherent value. I think a case could be made that shows they carry too much weight, though. And the value that is assigned to it comes from within the game itself, not the stat-head fans/SABRs.
  11. edit: n/m, I notice the descending order now.
  12. Paint? Peyote? DMT? I jest. The list is fine.
  13. It's like reading in a moving car. Sorry dude, it's just too annoying.................................................. You have chosen to ignore all posts from: What Light?.
  14. Wins may be meaningless in a pragmatic/philosophical sense, but the W will always equate to the level of eliteness a player has, his contract, and his place in the rotation. For this, I'd say the stat is not meaningless but very relevant.
  15. I tend to agree that Glavine may be the last. Randy Johnson has an outside shot if he can come back this year and win a couple more and plays next year and has a good/great season (I think he's 15 games away or so). He's pretty old, though, and injured often. I think with the 5 man rotation (it wasn't that long ago for the 4 man rotation), worries about pitch counts, tendencies to over-protect the expensive starting arms, "specialists" in the bullpen, and the continuous shortening of starter's work on game day (overall as the years go by) that it's already much harder for pitchers to reach t
  16. This is the key. Just tell your pal to let the folks around him know that a couple people will be arriving soon.
  17. I agree in a sense, but I also don't think he needs to pretend to be something he's not. He isn't happy about it and everyone realizes this. I think he's trying too hard to tow a line with the media and to save face for whatever legacy he thinks he'll leave/deserve. He's made efforts to be at the games in which Bonds could surpass the record and I think that's all we can expect from him. He'll applaud and congratulate Bonds when it happens and say the "right" things and it'll all be forgotten in a few weeks.
  18. See I'm not so sure he's as bitter as he is bummed out (good pals with Aaron) and ashamed. He obviously personally wishes he could just distance himself from the whole Bonds issue. Not the steroids issue, per se, but the circus that is Bonds. Of course, as Commish, he can't. Watching the Costas interview with him on HBO last night I couldn't help thinking that he feels somewhat ashamed for being an accessory to the whole steroids issue. He gave generalized answers and passed the buck to the fans making up their own minds when asked direct questions about Bonds. However, part of me gets the s
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