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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I've been watching Mitre of late (both live and for Fantasy purposes) and have yet to become sold on his effectiveness. I like his pitching style but need to see more of him. Looking at his last four games (in which he won and allowed 2 runs) it appears to be around 16+ scoreless innings (unless I'm missing something from that first of the last four games). The past three games he's pitched in the Marlins have lost two of them. The one he pitched in that they won he pitched only 4 innings. The last game he pitched in (yeasterday) he only went 5 innings. I'm assuming the early exits are becau
  2. Haven't read this one but I recently finished Fury by Rushdie. He's obviously a bright man but I didn't like how he overtly comes out and tells you what's happening in relation to plot and character development. Instead of keeping the text subtle he reveals all his tricks. At least in Fury he did.
  3. I'm definitely a fan of Elizabeth Cotton's but in terms of a "cool" factor, eh.... She was well into her 60s when she was "discovered" (by Pete Seeger, I believe) and was a very reserved gal. Nice mention, though.
  4. I voted for the original VW bug. Before VW sold out.
  5. A washed up 41/42 year old ineffective middle reliever is just the thing to help them out about now. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see it happen.
  6. Maybe you should poll the people to see if you're right or wrong on this.
  7. But if she pays for dinner he has to do whatever she wants after the meal, right?
  8. Ah, so slots when they know nobody will be watching.
  9. When are the ads shown? Is it from 10 pm and later on weeknights when the under-30 yr. old crowd is awake? I haven't seen one yet.
  10. I was considering posting this if the category was "Who's the coolest bat-shit crazy woman in music history?" With Ms. Love to follow.
  11. I've heard/read good things about Homer Bailey. Doh!
  12. Ah, The Beat Farmers. Definitely in the alt-country vein. I had forgotten about them. Another band I remember from the 80s/early 90s alt-country style was Dumptruck. Even the Meat Puppets have a touch of alt-country in them, though I wouldn't call them an alt-country outfit.
  13. A couple of acts I always like to catch when they come into town: Charlie Orlando. Formerly of a duo called Dexter Grove. Now a one-man show or often with his own band now. Folky-Rock thet's good for the head and soul. Polytoxic. The keyboardist, CR Gruver, used to live in Denver until recently and now lives in New Orleans and plays in a funky rock band called Outformationhad. Polytoxic (drums, keys, and guitar) although they had some originals, were best known for covering entire albums. A hippie band at heart, they covered the Last Waltz in it's entirety the past two years at Thanksgiving
  14. I'll second these cats. An article from the most recent jambase.com: http://www.jambase.com/headsup.asp?storyID=10641
  15. This is the list of planned books for the 2007-08 "season" announced so far: "If You're Feeling Sinister" by Scott Plagenhoef "Aja" by Don Breithaupt "Shoot Out the Lights" by Hayden Childs "Pretty Hate Machine" by Daphne Carr "Use Your Illusion" by Eric Weisbard "Horses" by Phil Shaw "Double Nickels on the Dime" by Mike Fournier "Pink Moon" by Amanda Petrusich "People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm" by Shawn Taylor "Achtung Baby" by Stephen Catanzarite "20 Jazz Funk Greats" by Drew Daniel "The Dreaming" by Ann Powers "Rid of Me" by Kate Schatz "Another Green World" by Geeta D
  16. Will be starting this tonight or tomorrow. The tale of Huck's drunk abusive asshole dad. Looks like it's going to be a dark one:
  17. It is. I was surprised how much I ended up liking Hank III. I guess my expectations were low for a third-gen country singer.
  18. That's a pretty decent double album, too.
  19. Who's the jerk that thinks she's better than everyone else and a bigger, hipper knitter on this board? Nancy? Arlene? You tell me... http://knitting.meetup.com/boards/
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