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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Maybe they'll hit the Denver area. I saw them at the Fox in Boulder a long time ago.
  2. I know about the shut down over the winter holidays (citing problems with Cat Power), and then he came back in Jan. or so, and then quit in ernest. If he's been back and left again I wouldn't know as I un-bookmarked the site. A damn fine site, too.
  3. As far as I knew, rbally shut down for good a few months ago.
  4. The tune (based on the Maurice sendak book of the same name) "Chicken Soup with Rice" is from the show/special : Really Rosie from the mid-70s. The album's got some good tunes on it: "One Was Johnnie," etc. My kids listen to this album a lot.
  5. That's cool. Sorry about your buddy. Pedro (among many other pitchers) has always looked up to Tiant and has mentioned the impact he's had on his career and as a human in the past.
  6. Yeah, besides Disco Duck and the Sesame Street 45s, I remember having The Eagles' "In The Long Run," and "Heart Ache Tonight" on 45s, as well as many others. I can't stand the Eagles since the early 80s.
  7. Sweet on the Tiant sighting. One of my favorite pitchers to ever don a Sox uni. Great pitcher, especially in the post-season. You should have fired up an El Tiante cigar with him....
  8. Felix Hernandez pitched a gem of a game against the Sox: complete game shutout/one-hit.
  9. I'm curious about the first music album/cd/tape you purchased as a youth and the first concert you attended. I've omitted my 45s of Oscar the Grouch doing "I Love Trash," the "Rubber Ducky" song, etc. and skipped albums my folks bought (Kiss, an 8-track of The Beatles' 1962-1966, etc.). I hopped right to the first one I bought with my own pilfered cash... 1st album: Unfortunately, it was Shaun Cassidy's Shaun Cassidty, 1977. Featuring the smash cover: "Da Doo Ron Ron." Though I did have an 8-track of the Beatle's "1962-1966" but I didn't buy it. 1st concert: My dad took me and my older br
  10. He's got about 15 years before he clears waivers.
  11. I tivo'd it. I'll probably watch it tonoight after the Sox. I remember seeing the trailer a week or so ago for last night's episode and remember Blake and crew with smiles in terms of a haul, but I still think trouble looms for the rookie capt.
  12. If white suburban teenage girls are tossing around the term "ho" with eachother how is it a racist remark? I understand the implications (as well as those with the 'nappy headed' comment) but as previously said, it's a pretty common slang term that probably doesn't carry as much weight as is being protested. Now nappy-headed: that has to do with hair, right? Again...
  13. Shouldn't it be Nappy-Headed Hos, anyway?
  14. There'll be no lack of sponsorship to step in to replace any sponsors pulling out over this. I'm wondering if it was a black host who made the same comment would there be such an uproar. Im not an Imus fan and it was insensitive to make the comment (although really, he was riffing on one of his producers making a similar comment a second prior to his comment), but cripes he's publicly copped to the fact he erred almost immediately and even went on Sharpton's show (who's of course, calling for his dismissal) to state he was wrong and offer contrition. I think the whole PC thing has tilte
  15. "I'm a mindless idiot" "enchanted pork fist" Yeah, the Pups have a bunch of good ones..."Split Myself in Two," "Severed Goddess Hand," "Automatic Mojo," "Up On The Sun," "Popskull," etc.
  16. Oil Can Boyd says: "I guess the Donnelly-Guillen bad blood goes backa while" The bad blood goes back to when they were teammates on the Angels and Guillen was traded to the Nationals. Guillen wasn't happy about being traded and told his new manager, Frank Robinson, that Donnelly uses pine tar in his mitt. Robinson called Donnelly out on it in the middle of an interleague game two years ago and a bench-clearer ensued.
  17. "Too Drunk To F*ck," Dead Kennedys "Holiday in Cambodia," DKs
  18. I just finished watching this game. Unintentional inside fastball that hit Johima in the thigh. Guess the ump was just evening things up, though. Weaver was wretched, but good to see the Sox bats alive against the bullpen, too. Biggest plus about the game was Beckett's second strong outing on the mound. He's the key to getting the Sox in strong contention this year, I feel. If he can regain his form from a few years ago, Sox are a solid rotation.
  19. I always thought "Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues" had a nice ring to it. As does "Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again." Todd Snyder's got one called "Iron Mike's Main Man's Last Request." Pretty damn funny, too.
  20. A) Yes, John Parker, former sound tech/stage manager. Why not. Show a little love for the sound guy. Again, a tongue-in-cheek tune or two at the end of some shows for a little goofin' off never hurt anybody. Obviously it's not about highlighting his vocals, but about having a laugh or two.
  21. I think he popped up in the RTT this a.m. Either way... Have a great day, man!!
  22. I see your point and agree to an extent, but I'm also looking at it from the perspective that even infrequent use, (in particular games/situations) where a closer is brought in earlier than normal to hold a game and then some, there's the potential that he's not available the next day if his pitch count is high. I know pitch count has become a craw in the game that is overly ballyhooed but it is what it is. Just as the "closer's" role has become pigeonholed, it's the trend in the game. I'm not sure how many managers would be willing to stick their necks (jobs) out to experiment with potenti
  23. As well as overusing the closer in terms of arm wear. If the closer is expected to be available to close games on a daily basis you can't regularly bring him in during tight games earlier than the 9th or late in the 8th. If a closer is getting high pitch counts frequently he's not going to last a season and no manager is going to subject his best late-game pitcher to that. In Papelbon's situation, Francona is especially cautious as he's concerned about taxing his arm as he's had problems with it. The "saving the closer for the last three outs" argument is that you want the most reliable gu
  24. ...The dogs were barking as the cars were Parking The loan sharks were sharking The narcs were narcing Practically everyone was there In the parking lot by the forest preserve The police had found two bodies Nay, naked bodies Their faces had been horribly disfigured By some sharp object Saw it on the news The TV news In a black and white video Do you know what blood looks like In a black and white video? Shadows, shadows That's what it looks like All the love we shared between her And me was slammed Slammed up against the banks of old Lake Marie Marie We were standing Standing by peaceful wa
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