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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. After a nice pork roast, it's several baseball games, Deadliest Catch, and: ed. Little known fact: pandas love to eat cereal. They're quite dextrous with a spoon, too.
  2. Best quote, re the name "Metallica": "It suits her," Karolina Tomaro said Tuesday. "She's decisive and she knows what she wants." Assuming the infant cannot yet talk, I'm willing to bet the baby is smarter than the mommy on this one.
  3. Awesome llynnowens!! Make it happen!
  4. I've watched the Season Two Highlights twice the past week. Any friendly wagers on who takes in the largest haul (most money) for king crab season? Opi season? I've got dibs on Sig Hanson and his crew....
  5. "Conventional" being snorting your dead old man, eh? I, too, was not the least bit surprised by this (really, would anyone who is familiar with him?). The funny thing to me is that it is a fairly recent thing.
  6. For whatever reason the copy/paste sucks. But didn't he fall out of the tree about two years ago? Father died in 2002. He was whiffin' blow not that long ago....
  7. See, Paul McCartney, I don't get that. He was obviously asked the question: "What's the strangest thing you've ever tried to snort?" and answered glibly. What the hell does he care? And cripes, he's 63 years old, he doesn't care about the young musicians. Just for the record here, the rest of the arrticle: “I’ve no pretensions about immortality,” he added. “I’m the same as everyone ... just kind of lucky. “I was No. 1 on the ‘who’s likely to die’ list for 10 years. I mean, I
  8. I smell a small fortune to be made in t-shirt sales for both Son Volt and Wilco shows.... The "I Hit On Jay's Wife" tee. Maybe not.
  9. Here's a somewhat entertaining espn.com article by Jim Caple entitled "22 Reasons Bonds won't pass Aaron." Really, though, what a clusterfuck that scene's gonna be. I hope he does it in Milwaukee in Bud's neck of the woods. Bud'll look like that guy you always see at partys that doesn't know anybody and doesn't know what to do with his hands, eyes, or himself: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/columns/stor...&id=2823671
  10. Sounds like great fodder for a..... Country/Western song!!!! I like Bill Joe's stuff, and yeah, he sounds like a pretty mellow cat. I'd guess either self-defense or too many Bourbon & Cokes. Or both. Todd Snider looks up to this guy a lot and covered a tune of his a few weeks back when I saw him. True story.
  11. I read the book and tried to piece together clues about where Jay buried all the bodies but alas, nothing....
  12. rockinrob: Thanks for the 'splaination. I never new these things (then again, I don't do vinyl these days). I can think of a few albums from my youth that could have benefitted from being stretched into a double.
  13. Contreras: Starting off with a healthy 63.0 era/8.00 WHIP. Yeeeeeee-haaaawwww!!!!
  14. In defense of Meat Puppet (first one) I'd agree that I enjoy all their later works more than the first one. However, as a debut album I still think it kicks ass. It was some ballsy stuff for '82.
  15. First game was around 1972 at Fenway. I have no idea which game. My dad used to truck us (5 brothers) up there from south central CT a lot. We'd drop my mom off at Filene's basement and hit the game then meet up at Faneuil Hall. We used to go to a few Met's games every year in my youth, too. My dad and his pal's would rent a bus for games. I got my picture taken with Catfish Hunter on Picture Day at Shea in the mid-late 70s (the Yankees were playing at Shea for a spell while Yankee Stadium underwent renovations).
  16. I watch a shitload of baseball games and have yet to come across a broadcaster as blatantly biased in his coverage than Hawk. Personally, it interferes with my enjoyment of the game to have the guy calling it incessantly whining about unfair calls (balls/strikes even) whenever "his" team is on the "wrong" end. I think if he covered games for the Red Sox I'd feel the exact same way, too.
  17. Ahhh, the annual Hawk Harrelson rag. I'm with you 100%, though. I wish he gone from broadcasting. I know, I know....you're a White Sox fan and he's "your" guy, but christ on a bender is he wretched to listen to.
  18. As much as I dislike Joe "The game was better 30 years ago when I played" Morgan, I cannot stand McCarver. In fact, 9/10 I will mute the game if he's on. He has the crotch of the Yankee's firmly entrenched in his mouth.
  19. Today marks the first day in 12 years since moving to CO I'll have missed Opening Day at Coors Field. I'm actually at work today. Damn priorities as I age.... (That and my buddy didn't get tix on time). I'll be "warching" the Sox from work on the tracker deal.
  20. Leiber & Stoller Rick Rubin Dre. Dre Chet Atkins produced a lot of early County greats, too. And a definite on Daniel Lanois, too.
  21. With the beginning of another season I offer up a sappy yet poignant quote to help kick things off. If anyone has read A Great and Glorious Game, they know that this man had a sincere passion for the game of baseball. I've always dug this guy- partly because I went to high school down the street from Yale (even had his wife as a teacher and their kids as classmates) where he was President from the mid-70s to mid-80s, partly because he was a hard-core Red Sox fan, partly because he was a serious man of Literature, but mostly because he was a fair and decent man. Banning Pete Rose for life
  22. Buddy Guy's 3-disc box set, Can't Quit The Blues. Yowza.
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