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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Nothing a bottle of Irish whiskey can't cure....
  2. There's a sweet "Other One" from Gainesville, FLA ('81, I think) where Phil just explodes on the intro. We used to call it 'The Gainesville Dig" back in High School. It's amazing how a bass intro/bass line from one particular version of one particular song can stay in the 'ol memory bank for so long. I've had the pleasure of meeting Phil very briefly a few times at book-signings/blood drives/rehearsals and he's always been a gentleman. Here's hopin' he hits the road again this summer in full swing, particularly Red Rocks ( a pal of mine has been soliciting Steve Winwood's manager to make som
  3. " A rare photo apparently capturing what Keith Richards has for years, under immense ridicule, claimed to be his secret front man, 'The Good Luck Troll.'"
  4. Per request, a few pics of Nathan, born almost five days ago. I'm not soliciting "oohs/ahhhs/ewwws" etc., just enjoy the pics if you feel like it: Chillin' in an herbal bath about an hour after birth: Post-bath hang: Meeting his oldest brother for the first time: Two bewildered dudes eyeballin' eachother (remember folks, the camera adds a few pounds): About 20 min. ago:
  5. About three months ago I wasn't let in to a Disco Biscuits show at the Fillmore. It was a freebie ticket and I walked over from the bar next door with a pal to the Fillmore. The chick taking tix asked if I'd been drinking and I said "sure." She told me she couldn't let me into the show, then. I was shocked, I tells ya. I'd only had a few beers and wasn't swaying or anything. Those people.
  6. I caught these two acts at Red Rocks but was backstage/sidestage for the show so opted to hear Sheryl Crowe's set. I didn't think it was that bad, but it might have been due to the fact that we kept heading backstage for beers more than actually listening to her....
  7. I actually fell asleep at a Taj Mahal concert in NH in 1987 or '88. I was front row center and had my feet up on the stage (a small theater) and had been drinking and other things all day. About 3-4 tunes in I was out. My friends were sitting elsewhere in the theater and I apparently became the object of several jokes by the man himself.
  8. Pretty much anything by Emmylou Harris. Or, if at home, the "Soundscapes" station in the music section of cable, which is also great to fall asleep to.
  9. Must have something to do with things in Australia being home to backwards-bizzarro world, like the toilet water running in the opposite direction or something. I expected better from froggie.
  10. This is all wrong. Please follow the instructions and re-submit your list. Thank you.
  11. The tale of two brothers...a memoir Remember that kid we beat up back in college Me, you, and Thompson out in front of the frat And that hippie went home crying to his parents I can't believe you got us out of that How sweet was that God we were drunk Drove around all night after it with that keg in the trunk And when the cop pulled us over You talked us out of that, too You got away with it You got away You get away with The things that you say I had to quit partying about a year and a half after you did I don't regret it though, I think it was fun Besides, it was the 70's We were a coupl
  12. Hanson v. Beatles, In MMMy Bop Life: http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...5D63ACE0FDA231F
  13. High powered acid and some QSM Service do the head just right... Tonight at least.
  14. It's a guilty pleasure for the same reason I feel a tinge of "guilt" watching American Idol because it's lame and hideous, yet I get an odd "pleasure" from watching it. Anyway: Waaaaahhhh- Waaaaahhhhhh.....
  15. That's where the "pleasure" part comes in.
  16. This is great music. I just re-bought (old copy is long gone) Gasoline Alley last week....
  17. I think AC/DC is generally associated with pimply-faced teen-age boy cock-rock. I'm not saying that doesn't have a place, but it's more a guilty pleasure digging on them as mature adult. Maybe? I don't know.... I do know that Stevie Wonder is in an upper echelon unto himself, though. Stevie is the shit.
  18. Noted. I guess I always just associated BJ as a cheesy, lounge-act like Pop artist. The only tune I can remember actually liking over the years was "Root Beer Rag," which has a real bite to it. My perceptions on music and ear for certain elements has obviously changed over the years. Was it cathartic letting that out?
  19. I don't think it's the same one. The one I have is called "12 Garden Nights" and came out last year. I'll look for the one you are mentioning, though....
  20. Billy Joel's recent double live discs from MSG. I've never owned any Billy Joel and I saw it at the library a few weeks back and thought "what the hell...." It's quite good. Also, Willie Nelson's latest album, Songbird is very good. Ryan Adams produced it and he plays a loy of different instruments on it, as do the Cardinals. There's even a cover of the GD's "Stella Blue." Although digging on Willie sometimes makes me feel like my dad or something, Willie's always been and still is a hip cat, so not much guilt on this one....
  21. I really like the two tunes Aquarium Drunkard has up on the blog. Particularly "Methamphetamine." Looks like Jay's done it again. I'll be picking this one up.
  22. I'm not going to get into the mess of where Wilco stands in terms of today's music or what their impact/relevance will or will not be down the road simply because I dig a lot of their music and it works for me. But... Comments like "Led Zeppelin were overrated" shows the "debating" of these all-important life/death issues is futile anyway. Led Zeppelin were rated. They've got shitloads of great, classic tunes and have influenced countless bands and musicians. Cripes, they pretty much invented a genre of music. If you find them boring, that's cool, but writing them off as underrated is sim
  23. Again, thanks folks for the well wishes!
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