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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Quick: someone explain to me why On and On... is a "great" tune? Not to be downer boy, but if they twanged on a note for eight minutes would you say "Awesome!!? It's a kind of weak tune, no?
  2. We're gonna reguire some adjectives, Maker. No over-thet-op ones, though.
  3. Or the kind of music you listen to when you're down to your last fifth of Pam and need to make three, read it three, grilled cheeses but improvise with some lard that mama left in the 'fridge from the Carter administration. Or something.
  4. Hey just a lame joke, amigo. They should think about naming the album after this one....
  5. Give it some time, man, It'll grow on you like a fungi.
  6. FWIW, a petition to voice displeasure with the potential MLB/EI/DirecTV deal: http://www.petitiononline.com/MLBCABLE/petition.html
  7. No sweat. Let me know your take on it....
  8. Here you go: http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...1F87D5861CF230A
  9. A little bit. I like the angle the reporter took, though, of going to his good friend for insight rather than trying to unsuccessfully figure Manny out himself and putting out yet another "who is Manny?" article.... I like the fact that he shy's from the limelight.
  10. It's on one of the out-takes/studio session pieces from the All Good Things....box set. Absolutely wonderful. I'm tutoring some students right now, but I will post it when I get home in a couple of hours.
  11. A very well-written piece on Manny from today's Boston Herald that helps allay some of the heat Manny takes: http://redsox.bostonherald.com/redSox/view...rticleid=185933
  12. Yes. And he rocks. I was simply taking issue with the fact that Nels is 50 and so the tunes may be a little mellower. Horseshit. Age has nothing to do with it.
  13. I remembered to and just watched it. I liked it a lot. The horns were a real nice touch. As was the Ryan Adams imposter on the guitar to Farrar's right.
  14. Hey, remember: you can't hate others until you hate yourself first.
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