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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Yeah, really. Let's see "the lawyer" we've been hearing about for years do his thing in court. Always a great strategy to represent yourself, a la Colin Ferguson.
  2. Not good for LaRussa, of course, but I'd be willing to bet perscription drugs take a part in his defense. Although he was above FLA's legal drinking/driving limit, to blow what he did is 2-3 beers in a relatively short span of time. I'm not making excuses for his actions, just noting that it's not extreme intoxication for a man his age/size. Still, nodding out at an intersection = not good.
  3. I love talking Fantasy Baseball as much as the next person, and I'm not trying to be a buzz kill, but maybe we should splinter off the fantasy discussion into it's own thread? It'd be great to have one section for real baseball discussion/ news/etc. and another devoted just to fantasy talk/stats/line-ups/trades/etc. in order to not have to sift through one thread and separate. Just a thought....
  4. Yeah, he does do a nice job of acting in Richard. I'd forgotten about that one.
  5. "This Dice-K guy looks like the real thing."
  6. Scarface is actually a pretty bad movie. It was panned pretty hard in the 80s when it came out but has since risen to cult status. Although intense at times, really, kind of a shitty movie. Other decent Pacino movies: Scent of A Woman Sea of Love Dog Day (mentioned earlier) Glengary (mentioned earlier) Serpico The Godfather is his crowning moment, though.
  7. Now if we could get the announcers to sporadically whisper soothing words nearby we'd be set. But yes, laying down in some cool grass is quite beneficial to the hang.
  8. I was never a big fan of the concept album. The Who's Tommy, The Wall, Wish You Were Here, Dark Side of the Moon, all th Ziggy Stardust stuff never played an important part in my musical life much beyound 8th/9th grade. I guess you could consider the brunt of the Beach Boys' albums "concept" albums, too. I guess Sgt. Pepper's would top my list. disclaimer: Still a relatively weak Beatles album when compared to some of their best work, though. ed. good call on The Mollusk, too.
  9. Any PGA match on t.v. And I'm not a big golf fan. The voices/tones of the announcers, the minimal talk, the pace, the lush grass, etc. all add up for me.
  10. Lammycat

    Top 5

    Michael Tito Marlon Jermaine And someone else. "Hans" maybe?
  11. I was ready to watch The Godfather III yesterday, (a.k.a. the Lame One) but they were showing Goodfellas instead. Not bad. Dogday Afternoon was on as well, though. Pacino and "Fredo" star in this one....
  12. Not to nitpick, but I'm not sure they'll be able to hasten Opening Day. Besides, I haven't had a Pete Rose discussion in a while. Probably since the last time he revealed a half-truth two years ago or so. To go back to a comment earlier that the HOF isn't the Honor Roll: no one has claimed that it is or should be. There are plenty of people in the HOF with questionable moral character. These people didn't gamble on the game, though. In regards to people like Nolan Ryan (who admitted to altering balls pitched) being admitted to the HOF, it's leaps and bounds from what Rose did. Baseball h
  13. Lammycat

    Top 5

    Jim Rice Fred Lynn Dwight Evans Yaz Luis Tiant
  14. I have to go but real quick: steroids use involves individual integrity/numbers/ etc. Gambling throws the entire game into another dimension. It jeopardizes the sport as a whole.... And, Rose has only Rose to blame as being known as : "that gambling guy." No one else is at fault here. It's too bad, but they were his choices to make.
  15. So players banished from the sport deserve contemplation for a place in the HOF? This doesn't make sense to me. And it's not easy getting banned from the sport....
  16. As I can only put quaotation marks and cite the poster, not "reply," : cryptique: "Agreed. But he should also be in the Baseball Hall of Fame." No. He shouldn't. He broke a, if not the, fundamental rule of baseball. I don't care if he was playing, managing, or bat-boying at the time. The penalty for being found guilty of this baseball crime is banishment. Why should a player banished from the game be a candidate for the HOF? Not to mention he volunteeringly accepted a lifelong ban from the game. Also, does the HOF want a guy like Rose voting for other player's elibibilty/character? Y
  17. The key to Pete "coming clean" yet again after years of lies and slanderous remarks against his accusers is that he is probably still lying even in this latest "admittance." He wants people to believe that he "bet on them to win" every night because he "believed in his team." Please. A professional gambler claiming this? Pete Rose is a crock of shit and deserves everything he has brought upon himself.
  18. I'll fourth (fifth?) the Saw Doctors. They're a fun band. I'll add a band from Dublin a friend turned me on to a while back to the list: U2. If you get a chance, check these guys out.
  19. If you make the trip around induction time you might be able to catch a glimpse of a surly Pete Rose begging around the perimeter of the grounds (easily identifyable by the small group of apologists trailing behind).
  20. Can't be a day over 10, I'd guess. The terrible teens are right around the corner. Phil praises that liver and touts organ-transplant as if it were a child, though.
  21. When did the R&R HOF become relevant? If the list is compiled by the committe that oversees inductees it includes Rolling Stone's Jan Wenner and a small handful of other music insiders. Which reminds me: How long has it been since Rolling Stone has been relevant?
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