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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. 88 year-old Johnny Pesky, with the Sox for 55 years, banned (again) from sitting in the dugout during games. I don't have a big problem with this, as "the rules are the rules," but in terms of giving the Sox an advantage in the dugout? Lame excuse. From today's Boston Globe: http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/reds...pesky_the_hook/
  2. If I'd have known it was gonna be that kind of party, I wouldn't have put my d*ck in the mashed potatoes.
  3. One that I don't think has been mentioned that I enjoy is: Ash Wednesday, by Elvis Perkins
  4. My old dog likes his meat Pork chops are a special treat My old dog and me My old dog and me Two old bums, two jolly old bums My old dog and me.
  5. Are you just listing this as a 2007 album you've heard, or do you actually enjoy it? I have not personally heard it, but have heard nothing other than it being panned as the utmost of drivel.
  6. Lammycat

    Top 5

    1. Lobster with warm butter sauce 2. Filet Mignon w/ A-1 sauce 3. Pepe's Pizza 4. Marinated flank steak 5. Oysters Rockefeller
  7. You'll really enjoy it. It's all pieces from when he wrote for espn Page 2 from 2000-20004. They're short but listed chronologically so you get a real flavor of what was going on in The Casa Blanca/politics overall as well as in the sports world.
  8. I've been re-reading this the past week. Nice, short, often very humorous, sometimes morose takes on the nature of both sports and politics, which were almost one-in-the-same for HST: And started this one last night. Krakauer is a good storyteller and I like how he writes, stylistically (I've read both Into the Wild and Into Thin Air):
  9. I'm on my third copy of Being There due to overuse. So, my list might have to look like this: Being There Being There Being There Being There Being There You never know when the next one will give out on you....
  10. Ramblin' outa the wild West, Leavin' the towns I love the best. Thought I'd seen some ups and down, Til I come into New York town. People goin' down to the ground, Buildings goin' up to the sky. Wintertime in New York town, The wind blowin' snow around. Walk around with nowhere to go, Somebody could freeze right to the bone. I froze right to the bone. New York Times said it was the coldest winter in seventeen years; I didn't feel so cold then. I swung on to my old guitar, Grabbed hold of a subway car, And after a rocking, reeling, rolling ride, I landed up on the downtown side; Greenwich V
  11. How does one make the cross-out through a word?
  12. Well I don't know why I love you like I do Nobody in the world can get along with you. You got the ways of a devil sleeping in a lion's den I come home last night you wouldn't even let me in. Oh sometimes you're as sweet as anybody want to be When you get a crazy notion, jumpin' all over me Well you give me the blues because you're satisfied An' you give me the blues I wanna lay down and die. I helped you when you had no shoes on your feet, pretty mama I helped you when you had no food to eat. You're the kind of woman I just don't understand You're takin' all my money and give it to another
  13. Today I can say I'm glad Ugueth Urbina isn't on my keeper team (yeah I know he hasn't thrown an MLB pitch in a few years...): http://feed.insnews.org/v-cgi/feeds.cgi?fe...tory_id=2779527
  14. Happy Birthday, Blue! But, how come there's no ice in my lemonade? Drop down and give me 36. Now!!
  15. I am shocked and awed that Astral Weeks did not make your top 5....
  16. There's obviously been some foul play with this thread's title. I suspect letter manipulation/ intervention from the brass around here. This conspiracy may run deeper than I imagined....
  17. But what would they play at your funeral...? The answer is, in this correct order: AM BT ST YHF AGIB
  18. When you realize this entire thread has occurred during the time you left work on Friday (where I had access to a computer) and has carried on up until I saw it just now because the new company finally got the home computer running again today (after them screwing up twice in two weeks) and it ticks you off because it's a reminder that you went through withdrawal symptoms throughout the looooong weekend....
  19. Actually, I believe he's asking about bootslegs. So, no problem there.
  20. Bobbob: I agree. It's an often overrated role and the better arm can typically be better served in close games in the middle-late innings. It goes against current trends in the game, but it still amazes me that more managers don't utilize THE CLOSER in tighter situations not called the 9th inning. Still, I think Paps may have gotten a bad taste of what would be entailed in the starter slot. He feels more comfortable in the closer role and wants to make his career there. The BOS brass seem to agree with him. Both sides are happy, so I'm down with it too. It would be cool (and hopefully ben
  21. I think it's great that Papelbon will be back in the closer's spot. With a rehabilitated, strong, healthy arm (according to medical experts) it's a natural fit for him. He's proven he can be a dominant force in the closer role. Who knows how he would've faired as a starter? Plus, it'll be a mental boost for the starters/releivers knowing he'll be coming in to wrap things up. Nothing wrong with this scenario, except tthat he Sox need to now put confidence into another starter.... Snyder? Tavares? Lester al ittle later?
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