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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. In terms of HOF candidates, personally I'd say no one should be considered who has been factually proven to be using steroids while playing. That seems pretty fair to me, rather than excluding all players or including all players. And I'm pretty much done with this, caliber, but would enjoy discussing the question Earl asked earlier, which is basically my same question earlier: If Bond's wasn't juicing would he still have been the best hitter of this era?
  2. Two-faced? Revisionist history crap? Who's trying to revise history? Who's touting Sosa and McGwire (and btw, I disagree that it was obvious to everyone at the time(summer of 1998) that they were juiced). A level playing field during the steroids era would be if every player were on the juice from 1994-2004. Not every player was juicing during those year, though, so don't claim it as a level playing field. Blaming the fans as part of the problem is ridiculous, too. How do I, as a fan, take a "hard-lined stance" against steroid abuses from almost a decade ago? Because ownership/the Commi
  3. Pre-1992? It might've been 1993, actually.
  4. I'm Tivo'ing the Dice-K game, so I may need to avoid this thread the rest of the afternoon so as not to taint (Heh, "taint") my experience after work. B2: Some good points and I agree that the game is in no way perfect. The era will forever be known as the Steroid Era, indeed, and ownership and the Commissioner's office were major factors in allowing it to thrive for the sake of their wallets. However, using steroids when it was declared against the rules still doesn't gibe with me. I'm from the camp that believes that just because a lot of folks are doing something wrong doesn't make doin
  5. "Personally ...I can't get it out of my head..." I'm with you, Louie. I think the chorus will make a great jingle for a lightbulb company ten years from now. I also often wake up in the morning with the melancholy "eith-er wa-ayyyy" rolling around my head.
  6. I'm not neccesarily saying "disallow" Bonds anything. I'm saying the validity of him being considered the best hitter of a generation is open to interpretation and is not a fact.
  7. Earl says: "and if they don't put him in the hall, fuck it, because he knows he's the best hitter of our generation, and if anyone wants to doubt it, that's their problem." The whole crux of him being "the best hitter of our generation" (and I assume "our" to mean "your" generation) is based on the fact that he cheated to become that. So it's not like it's fact or anything, or that there'd be reason to question the validity of the "title" you bestow upon him. I just wonder how many other already good sluggers could have come close to becoming "the best hitter of 'our' generation had they
  8. It's those puppy dog eyes.
  9. As did GnR: "Look At Your Game, Girl."
  10. He had a pretty big talent for persuasion, I'd say.
  11. Precisely. I get much enjoyment reading this stuff.
  12. Probably as factual as possible as seen through Rock's eyes, though, eh? That's the thing with the tell-all books.... You read a few covering roughly the same material and you'll get a different (or at least slightly varied) version each time. Phil's take is different from Rock's take is different from Parrish's take is different from Hank Harrison's (gawd) take, etc. Like the Steadman book. I'm wondering how much of that HST would have corroborated as the "real" take, right?
  13. 26. John Mayer was actually born a black man in Memphis, TN.
  14. They're trying to squeeze out the little mom& pop shops like Starbucks, eh?
  15. "it's gonna be tough to convince my mom to make a 2 day detour to see the same band we drove 14 hours to see 2 days before..." You can always "convince" her with chloroform. I'm wonderin' if they'll be tacking on some western states to these dates in the beginning of the tour. Colorado is chock full-o great places to play.
  16. Lammycat

    Top 5

    Pepe's w/bacon Pepe's white clam Pepe's plain Pepe's w/sausage Pepe's w/bacon
  17. Seems about right to me: simple lyrics, simple chords, sing-along chorus. Don't get me wrong, I dig the tune quite a bit, but isn't it the obvious choice for the most radio play?
  18. "Oops, my bad. You're Jay's girlfriend!!" (followed by a lot of hearty backslapping, chortles, and guffaws).
  19. And Keith warns about the evils of drugs even: http://www.waleg.com/celebrities/archives/007519.html
  20. Indeed! Have a great day, sir!!
  21. Gram Parson's body was slightly cremated (charred really) after his buddies stole his dead corpse and brought it out to Joshua Nat. Park. I wonder if it was burned enough for Keith's tastes....
  22. Too many vegetables can get in the way of the meat, eh?
  23. See, you could go with these too: Lemmy Skurj Bon Skurj (or Angus Skurj) Ace Skurj And still not have the kid pegged for utter ridicule. Heck, Axl Skurj ain't too shabby either.
  24. When this all gets sorted out, I think you and me should get an apartment together.
  25. Much to the dismay of some folks closest to him. Apparently Weir and Garcia's last wife, Deborah Koons thought it was a good idea. The remainder of his ashes are strewn across the San Fran Bay. HST's ashes were shot out of a cannon bearing the gonzo symbol, of course.
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