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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I always got a kick out of them bringing JP on stage to do this (or Paranoid, Ziggy Stardust, etc.). JP is a good dude with a good sense of humor and these covers by him and the band are to be taken tongue-in-cheek. Here's an Immigrant song from '97 (I believe it's 5-23-97, The Riviera): http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...4F4E72A2E7F767A
  2. My wife made mashed potatoes with fresh-cooked bacon mixed in them last week. Holy cow. Bacon is my manna.
  3. If you're young and into drinkin', a fun game can be to take a swill everytime Morgan says the word "slider." It's one of his favorite words, I believe, and once you take note of how often he drawls the word out "slAIIIIIIderrrr" you will accompany me in a little nook of Hell.
  4. And do what he did consistantly. While there may be times when bringing in the better pitcher (closer) earlier in a game than late in the 8th/9th inning, there is a certain effect a great closer can affect when brought in to wrap up a game. Mariano Rivera is the best closer in MLB, probably the best ever, and the effect he can create in opposing batters who have to face his cut fastball can be huge. I'm not calling Papelbon a great closer, yet, but he's proven a lot since being "the" guy to wrap up games for the Sox since last year.
  5. The BOS bats were wretched yesterday. No offense, fanning at a lot of first pitches, impatience, etc. With Julian Tavares (NOOOO!!!!!!) going up against Kevin Millwood tonight, Sox will need to, er, get some runs.
  6. Oops. Quickly read that as Tejada and the O's/NYY game was just finishing. And yeah, the "masterful" part should have tipped me off. And the fact that I think I already knew you lived in Texas. Erm..... O.k., Robinson Tejeda was "on."
  7. This game is just wrapping up now...
  8. Just your typical orange dreads with some beantown red streaks.
  9. Promised Land It Must Have Been the Roses Black-Throated Wind Ramble on Rose Beat it on Down the Line Loser Mexicali Blues Eyes of the World China Doll Around and Around Loose Lucy El Paso Row Jimmy WRS Prelude WRS Part 1 Let it Grow The Other One It's a Sin Stella Blue Big River Tennessee Jed Sugar Magnolia Morning Dew
  10. This may sound odd, but there have been times when I did not have to get up (a Saturday or Sunday, say) and I have set the alarm so that I could be awoken, turn it off, and go back to sleep with the comfort of not having to actaually get out of bed. It's some weird form of reward for me or something. I could probably benefit from some professional analysis of this.
  11. I've heard one or two of these and was not impressed. If there's anything worth listening to, let me know.
  12. I'm with you. There's something about being able to slip back into the dream a few times and kind of tie up loose ends that I dig.
  13. That's exactly where I was headed with that. Very astute of you.
  14. My alarm goes off at 5:30 a.m. on work days and I usually hit snooze 6 times and get out of bed by 6. I like to extend the process.
  15. And speaking of guys calling games, I enjoyed listening to the two fellas in the booth for the Royals for the BOS/KC series. They did an admirable job of calling the game with reason and tact. They knew when to shut up and let the game tell itself and when to add poignant comments. Kudos, sirs.
  16. And Slappy McBluelips pops out with two outs, the bases loaded, down a run in the 8th!! Beautiful.
  17. I've got a baaaaaad feeling about Blake and his crew this season.
  18. I recorded it to watch after work and got through 4 innings when I had to pause it for familial duties. Upon returning, the DirecTV screwed up and I ended up losing the entire recording. Now, I'm thankful to be able to watch the games with the EI package once again, but....does anyone else who has DirecTV notice that it has a few glitches? Namely, a seemingly sporatic temperament. He did look pretty solid, though.
  19. I may go Sat. night. I'll let you know....
  20. "And I think Rose's banning from the Hall of Fame is more justified than any hypothetical one on Bonds would be, simply because Bonds's steroid use, while wrong, was not actually against the rules of Major League Baseball." Again, steroid use has been illegal in baseball since 1991. So it was not only wrong, but can be considered cheating. Also, there's a reason why the HOF is manned by humans and not machines. While stats obviously come in to play, there is the issue of emotion and character that goes into each vote, I'd imagine. This isn't to say that there are guys in the HOF that shoul
  21. The fact that very few players (in the scope of things) even get on the ballot for HOF consideration needs to be considered. Of those who are potential HOF ballot candidates, why not omit those proven to have cheated? It's not so much rewarding those who cheated and didn't get caught as it is punishing those proven to have cheated instead of further ignoring the issue.
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