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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. How does this compare to Endtime? Endtime is the only one I possess and I love it. I don't think I could ever tire of "Good For Nothing."
  2. A few modifications to the MLB rules this season. Of note: With no runners on base, pitchers have only 12 seconds to deliver the ball between pitches (down from 20 seconds). An overt attempt to speed up the games/keep the pace. Batters must keep at least one foot in the batter's box throughout the at-bat (with certain exceptions as the game warrants/umpire deems). Scuffing/marking the ball will result in an automatic 10-game suspension (previously a "ball" count was awarded and a warning issued to the pitcher/manager). These are the key changes, but there are a few others: http:/
  3. Anybody who digs Marley should check this out. Stellar recording: http://ryanssmashinglife.blogspot.com/2007...california.html
  4. True. You'd think the fact that he has 6 digits at the end of each hand and foot would count for something as an MLB pitcher, too. Come to think of it, isn't it a bit like sticking Siamese twins into the net as a goalie(s)?
  5. I like it so far. I listened to the download last night once through and Florida, People as Places as People, and Missed the Boat stick out for me. I never liked the Smiths, The The, etc., but the addition of Johnny Marr adds a nice bit to the feel here.
  6. I heard Hendrix' "Fire" last night on a commercial for some cell phone. He's a sell-out. SS makes a good point about hearing "Dock of the Bay" as a kid and digging the tune. I'm willing to bet Hires sold a few extra root beers to at least one kid back then. Plus, Otis gained a fan. Then again, maybe another kid stopped drinking Hires because they did not like that tune.... I still think musicians get the short end of the stick when they get dumped on for trying to maximize their profit on their art by selling it for commercials. Just about any other type of artist seems to be given a fre
  7. I checked this out last week. I'm kinda diging on it. I've been doing Sam Cook's Greatest Hits all week. I'm hoping his vocals will melt the snow out here....
  8. A very enjoyable album. I believe they've got a new one coming out soon. Maybe it's alreay out?
  9. If you're in love with the flashy cowboy lifestyle, like only Glen Cambell can be, it is.
  10. Like A Rhinestone Cowboy, Glen Cambell Love Lift Us Up, Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes I Will Always Love You, Whitney Houston Muscrat Love, Captain & Tennille
  11. I've been re-listening to this a lot lately. This was on my turntabl;e almost constantly for a full year in the early 80s. I hadn't given it a listen in about 6-7 years though, until recently, and re-fell in love with it again. re: The question. It's a damn near impossible task to choose one album because that album could be different on any given day, depending on my mood. For today, the album would be Sandinista!, as well.
  12. I listened to this album a few times 2 days ago and really like the composition of the songs, the sound of the instruments, the time changes in the tunes, and the overall vibe of the band. I cannot, however, get past the little girl/ near-falsetto voice of the chick ( I think it's a chick) singing in the majority of the tunes. She has a nice voice but she sings in too high of a register for my liking.
  13. Allin's "Punk" b.s. or his "Country" b.s.? This is the first time I've heard anybody mentioning Allin as a favorite Rock singer, but to each his own. I guess I just don't really think of his vocals when I think of the "contributions" he's made.
  14. Well, Hank does have the whole Germany thing going for him, so at least there's a European vibe.
  15. Same here. I still enjoy festivals, but the kind where you can bring a lawn chair to sit and still see, can get a bite to eat/beverage/bathroom usage very easily, and one I can bring the kids to. Basically Bluegrass-type fests around here. The one I saw JT at in August (an annual we go to called Rocky Mountain Folk Fest)is a perfect example- even has a river to wade in while you dig the tunes.
  16. Top of the head: Lowell George, Perry Farrell, Chris Cornell, Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, Bob Mould, Axl Rose. But really, a very subjective selection for anyone, right? Some people can't stand Axl's screech, for example, but I dig it.
  17. I never got the love for his voice. It's very creepy to me. It sounds like if Hank Hill were to sing.
  18. I'd like to hear this. Like today would be great to hear it. I'll listen to pretty much anything Lu puts out.
  19. In terms of a fun travel book, I'd actually narrow it down to In Watermelon Sugar, the lesser known but superior (IMO) book compared to Trout Fishing in America.
  20. The Osbornes way of thanking the fans. I'm sure Sharon has a way to market it that'll make some cash, though.
  21. On the Road, Jack Keroac The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test, Tom Wolfe Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, HST Travels With Charlie, Steinbeck The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway
  22. Very few of those bands I wouldn't want to see (or haven't seen, for that matter) but I can't bring myself to deal with the immense crowd.
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