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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Dropkick Murphy's, The Warrior's Code
  2. Most of the single game tix will be put on sale this month and next month, so heed the advice of C66 and keep checking. Even when the "good" games sell out (as they all do, anyway) they almost always release tix about a week to 10 days prior to the game. Also, the day of the game. Persistence, of course, is key.
  3. The MMJ shows aside, did you get to Pete's Kitchen (The good Pete's)?
  4. Mother Nature is a cruel mistress. Why wait for her to cater to your fancy whims? Why not throw money at the "problem," like these jackasses: http://www.courant.com/news/local/hc-ap-mi...headlines-local
  5. It is. The Butthole Surfers section was bizarre. A fascinating read for anybody even slightly interested in the 80s neo-punk/hardcore scene.
  6. Possibly. But, you should check out Frank Black's 2-disc Fast Man Raider Man that came out about a year ago. I was talking to my brother last night who's a big Pixies/Catholics fan and he hadn't heard it yet. I don't know why more fans of his aren't picking this up as I find it his best work to date (of the solo stuff, that is). It has the same sort of Nashville vibe as Honeycomb, yet he does a few covers and seems to be goofing around a bit more. There are definitely some throw-aways on the double cds, but overall it's a great listen.
  7. I'm determined to re-start and actually finish this book this year. One of my brothers gave it to me about 5-6 years ago and I've started it at least 4-5 times but I lose steam with it after about 50-75 pages. Everybody, and I mean everybody, I know who's read this book has great things to say about it. I've enjoyed the first 50-75 pages even though it's a bit of a struggle to grasp what's happening in the tale. The book gets much better as it goes on, I've been told. The book is enormous, physically. It has to weigh 5-7 lbs. and is actually hard to hold when reading in bed. It's very
  8. Birthday salutations form the land of the bitter cold!
  9. I wonder if he slipped St. Peter a c-note or two on the way in....
  10. I was thinking the exact same thing last night as I stood in my backyard and viewed all the snow and felt the bitter cold air blowing around me. I envisioned having The Package hooked up with a Sox game on, the cool spring air, the smell of grass and flowers, etc. Reality bites.
  11. Folks spend on average $12.50 because the prices are so steep, not because their stomaches tell them they're full. I'm willing to bet, under decent circumstances and a healthy appetite, and if I kept my beer intake to a minimal/survivalist level, I could down the difference in food. I could nail 4-5 hotdogs over the course of a game easily, and they run $4-5. Minus the ticket price, I'm more than half way to gluttonous American harmony.
  12. I caught Elvis Perkins last August (he played the same fest as Tweedy did) and enjoyed him quite a bit. Interesting tidbit I'm sure folks already know but I hadn't until August: Anthony Perkins' son.
  13. "So do I, Lammy... to hear Nina effortlessly go from "Mississippi Goddam" to "Funkier Than a Mosquito's Tweeter" is breath-taking. Despite all the accolades, she is still immensely under-rated." She's got amazing intonation and phrasing that allows her to make other people's songs her own, too. One of my favorite versions of Dylan's "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues" is by her. Hauntingly heart-felt.
  14. Although I do appreciate the talents of Billie Holiday, I feel this exact same way in regards to Nina Simone.
  15. I'm willing to bet you and I are two of a very small number of folks on the board who do not own a cell phone. I usually pick a couple up when my wife gets knocked up, but I've forgone it this round.
  16. I subscribed to Rolling Stone for the 80s and the first half of the 90s. I couldn't bear some of the torrid swill that was being printed any longer and duely ended the madness. I did SPIN in the early 90s for a few years but thought they jumped the shark rather quickly, too, and cancelled.
  17. He's definitely borderline. I don't think anyone can reasonably make a definitive call on him (yeah, maybe Bill James did...). A case can be made for Rice to the Hall as well as against, depending how heavily one weighs particular stats (for example, Rice was dominant at Fenway, much weaker on the road). As a fan of his who loved watching him slug at Fenway as a youth, I'd like to see him enshrined. Then again, I would not be surprised or feel he was slighted if he doesn't get in. Belle barely registers on the voting scale. There's a reason for that which I don't think you can totally fa
  18. They're playing in Denver in about a week at a relatively small venue/club for two nights (a Fri./Sat., to boot) and I'm contemplating hitting one of them. I've listened to their stuff and am left kind of wishy-washy about it. It looks like the live stuff is definitely worth catching, though....
  19. Another borderline candidate (as is Rice) for the HOF, IMO, was Albert Belle. He received less than 5% of the votes (down there with the Bichette crew, actually) and so will be removed from the ballot for good. That was pretty quick.
  20. But how would the players know, as it's private ballot(I guess Dante could possibly figure out it was one of the two guys, but...), and why would they care? The players at that end of the list know they are not HOF material. I think it's just ineptness. There's bound to be dregs/numbskulls that shouldn't be voting but have been allowed to simply due to longevity. There are plenty of old-timers that I'd imagine are simply out of touch with the sport but still cast their votes as a formality each year.
  21. Ripken was a great player, certainly among the best to ever play shortstop. An all-star 19 times, (I believe), out of 21 years, a few gold gloves, and really, a pioneer in the power-hitting shortstop we've come to know, as we was a relatively big guy for the position in the early 80s. A big guy with amazing range was pretty new. I think Ripken gets pigeonholed sometimes due to "the streak" (which is secondary to his abilities on the field) and because he was low-key on and off the field.
  22. I agree, and I also think Gossage deserves a place in the Hall. I realize that no inductee has ever received 100% of the first-ballot vote, including Ruth, Mays, Cobb, etc., but who are these clowns who feel they're unworthy? Look at Cal Ripken (and Gwynn, for this matter): if you really need to question yourself whether or not the man belongs in the HOF, you shouldn't be allowed the privelage of voting. Christ, Dante Bichette received 3 votes?! Bret Saberhaggen?! Ken Caminitti receives a couple of votes?!! Yeesh, something's not right with this picture. Here's a cute take on it from a
  23. Not to discredit any inductees/nominees, but isn't the concept of a HOF a bit inane? Is there specific, or even general, critieria besides being influencial and having your first album be at least 25 years old? From what I've gathered it's a very small group of folks centered around Jann Wenner who nominate and elect inductees. Doesn't this speak to the personal tastes of the "board" more than the reality of the impact/relevance of the artist(s)? Not to drag the thread down, but I never really took the thing seriously. Not that anybody here is having anything more than a bit of fun with t
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