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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Very nice work. They look, for lack of a better word, crisp to me. Clean. Vivid. I guess that's three words....
  2. There's a guy who does decent coverage of the Sox for the ProJo that slips my mind (not Martone). It's usually my third or fourth source for Sox info. I get the Rocky Mountain News not because it's better than the Denver Post, but because it's easier to physically hold. I've also enjoyed writing letters to the editor on behalf of douchebag sports writer and half-wit dim bulb, Bernie Lincicome the last 7-8 years. Several have made it to print, but I actually enjoy the email interaction with the pouty-faced pessimistic half-truth spouter best.
  3. I'm a "Chris" and there is at least one (perhaps two) folks in Denver with the same first and last name as myself. I used to get calls for him every now and then, but it's been awhile. Maybe he's dead.
  4. Both Weir and Hart have dabbled in political issues quite a bit over the years. Hart is actually on the Board of Trustees of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress and has presented in front of several Senate committees on issues such as aging and music. Weir has been very outspoken in his Democratic leanings (as has Hart) in his efforts involving environmental reforms. Both he and Weir wear their political views on their collective sleeve, whereas Garcia didn't and gave the impression he didn't think it was his place to. To each his own. Besides, this was just a privat
  5. I think if you asked the average person on the street, they wouldn't know who our Vice President is, or at least our Secretary of State. Point being, I wouldn't call John Prine underrated, because anybody who knows a bit about music knows he's up there with the best.
  6. Used to get Sports Illustrated for years up until about 2 years ago. Just don't have a lot of time to peruse it like I used to. I still get the sporatic copy of "The Small Condom Male" from exes, though.
  7. Whomever the Earl is in your family, I love him.
  8. Naked with a cast on the arm, eh?
  9. Wow. I hadn't heard. I have friends that live just a few miles below Berthoud Pass in Empire. Here's hoping everyone makes it out o.k.
  10. Now that James Brown has died, I nominate Warren Haynes as due inheritor of the title: "The Hardest Working Man In Show Business." The guy plays allllll the time (not complaining, either). The man opens up for himself, ferchrissakes. At a Phil & Friends show at Red Rocks a few years back, Warren played in the parking lot to a hundred or so of us that were hanging around, on a makeshist stage for about 45 minutes, then went into the venue and played a set solo, and then played the concert proper.
  11. I love that they sneaked the 'head into the show. I'm guessing he didn't head for the back of the floor and commence spinning, though. Would've been "interesting" with all the stuffed shirts in there to attend this one. And Tony Bennett kicks ass.
  12. This is the name of our second son, now 4. And why was your great-uncle's cool name reduced to Bob? Not that there's anything wrong with Bob, mind you.
  13. The Yankees picked up Doug Mientkiewicz today, vastly improving their defense at 1st base. With Giambi most likely becoming the full-time DH, looks like Bernie Williams will be headed for retirement.
  14. On second thought, I may need to retract my Neil Diamond nomination for this thread, as he's a member of the Songwriter's Hall of Fame. Not too underrated, I guess. How about that Warren Zevon, though? I didn't see his name on that list. He's got some incredible tunes and a real way with words in those tunes.... Also: Robert Hunter, who wrote/co-wrote the large majority of the greatest Grateful Dead tunes. He's worked with lots of other artists, as well, though; including Jim Lauderdale, the New riders of the Purple Sage, and a few more modern bands that escape me presently. Heck, he ev
  15. If we're talking about songwriters to include music/instrument composition, then I concur. If we're talking in the simplistic sense of lyrics, absolutely not. Now, I love Zappa (one of my first concerts in 1980, Hartford, CT) and grew up listening to him. Obviously, an astounding guitarist. He was a master at orchestrating his ever-changing band and having them trained to switch direction in a jam/tune with the flick of a baton or the raising of a finger. He was brilliant that way and demanded a lot of the folks that played in his various incarnations. His musical compositions (whether with
  16. Here it comes again..... wait for it.... Neil Diamond. Seriously, the man has written loads of great tunes (both for himself and others) but gets shrugged off because he's "Neil Diamond." I quite enjoy a lot of Neil's music, though some of it really blows.
  17. Most of the great ones have been spoken for already, but I'd add Woodstock and The Festival Express, and The Shane McGowan one If I Should Fall From Grace. I just re-watched Gimme Shelter a few nights ago, as it's on On Demand, as well, this month.
  18. A deer has to be taken with one shot. I try to tell people that but they don't listen. The Deer Hunter is on On Demand-Free Movies this month.
  19. You used to work the projector, didn't you? Usher?
  20. I'm with you on this. Just too damn obvious. Trying too hard. Though the best dog we've ever had was an incredible yellow lab named Tanner. He'd hang at shows, bars, parties, etc. with us. Never needed a leash.
  21. I could see that. A friend of mine named one of her daughters "Frankie" and another "Jessie." Guess she was on a James brothers kick 20-some years ago.
  22. Oil Can, I just caught this on-line chat that the esteemed Pete Gammons did this afternoon on boston.com. I'll post the transcript that addresses your concern about why the Sox may not have offered Loretta an offer, and the rest of the transcript as a link: varitekmvp33 Hey Peter, glad to hear you and see you again, you mean alot to alot of people. Life long Red Sox fan in Oregon. Do you think the Sox are really going to go into the season with Pedroia at second base or is there still a chance they come to their senses and re-sign Mark Loretta. He has not signed with anyone yet, it almost s
  23. Not sure about the Walter Matthau deal, but could be. I knew a dude about 20 years ago who had a twin brother named Walter. I just always thought it was a cool name for a young guy. My wife has suggested August/Auggie thing, too. Auggie wouldn't sound good with our last name, as it ends in the "-ie" sound, as well. If I had to go the August root to get to "Gus," I'd consider, though. If there were only a way to trick her into "Earl," though....
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