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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. Puppy's Breath Chili 1993 world champion http://www.chilicookoff.com/Winner/WC_1993.asp Ingredients: 3 - Pounds Tri Tip Beef or Sirloin Tip cut in small pieces or coarse ground 2 - tsps Wesson Oil 1 - Small yellow onion 1 - 14
  2. you're one of those fans, huh? excuse me while I distance myself from you.
  3. a friend of mine runs a popular NY cycling blog and created a comic with his co-editor. It's gotta a pretty good amount of exposure and all started from two guys just acting like assholes brainstroming.
  4. Yankees fan. I'm offended you even asked.
  5. The Torre talk is kind of boring now (except for the nose jokes). We just have to sit around and wait for the revised Yankee offer. So back to Bernie.... the yankees felt, as did most people, that they had better people in the places he fit (outfield and DH). At best he was a bench player, and as I said above he had never demonstrated an ability for hitting off the bench. If he had shown he could still hit they likely would have lost one the extra first basemen to bring Bernie along. And given that Philips and Mientkiewic (I had to look up that spelling) played that probably would have been a
  6. you want some cheese with that whine? you expressed your opinion I expressed mine.
  7. You're kind of making my point for me. It was Bernie who said publicly he had to try out, not the Yankees. It could have been hush-hush. Seems the only thing you'd have been happy with is if they offered a spot which he didn't deserve. And Bernie wasn't getting a guaranteed contract anywhere.
  8. That's some pretty serious history revision. It didn't go down like that at all. Bernie publicly said he wanted to play and never showed up. He wanted a contract.
  9. Torre did not indicate he wouldn't be back he said he didn't know. I say he's the manger inside of two weeks with a three year deal.
  10. Bernie has never been a bench player and the feeling was the without being an everyday player he simply wouldn't be effective. They offered him the opportunity to prove he could do it, but he refused to come down. Torre he even said publicly he should come down because he wouldn't answer calls. During spring training it wasn't even clear they'd have a roster spot for another part time bat, as it turned out holes opened up that he'd have slotted nicely into but at that point the ship had sailed.
  11. The Yankees offered Torre that deal knowing full well he'd reject it. They simply miscalucated that it would shift public opinion in their favor. A guy like Torre doesn't need the money. There are two factors here. The salary reduction and the one year deal. Had they offered him 10 million for two years he'd probably have taken it. But to take a reduction and be a lame duck manager with a firing hanging over his head all season why bother?
  12. Pink Floyd was a wee bit bigger than uncle tupelo. Bigger than either Gilmore's or Waters' solo careers. Which is sort of not like Uncle Tupelo.
  13. I'm not really sure he's down. The yankees are the ones who look bad in this. Aside from that how many managers have stellar records with more than one team?
  14. In a startling turn of events Joe Torre is out as manager of the New York Yankees and emerging as the front runner to replace him is his nose.
  15. I think that may be the first time ever Manny has ever been accused of having a world view, never mind a thought that was rational or sane.
  16. I have Dark Side in gold, but I can't really hear a difference. I was a huge U2 fan from their very first release through acthung baby. Nothing they did since then has really held my interest. It actually took me some time to get into the Joshua Tree because the unforgetable fire got such a ridiculous amount of airplay I got a burnt out on them. But once I got into it it became one of my all time favorite albums. It really holds up well. That said, I'm not a real fan of rereleased/repackaged albums.
  17. go camping. The thing that makes this thread such a train wreck is that you have some speaking of their personal experiences of religious practice or belief. Then you have another party refuting their belief, one can only assume to either justify their own existential crisis or to try and coerce others to give up their beliefs. If one wants to disprove god or any spiritual system it isn't particularly difficult to do. It is, however, irrelevant. The point is in the practice. The healing and peace comes from the mindset that accompanies it. In the other thread Joe Dirt eluded to the eradica
  18. it would be beautiful if bye were the last word and this thread found its way to being locked
  19. I'm suggesting that to disprove that the meaning of the bible has nothing to do with interpretation, as you said, you absolutely can not post someone else's intpretation. 15 yard penalty.
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