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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. shrug. if you're going to write whole as hole you have to expect that you're gonna lose most of your people on the way to the hoop you're trying to get them to jump through.
  2. you're the kind of guy that rips 128 back to flac and think it sounds the same, aren't you?
  3. I had that rip. It's from the stream. There's no way this is from the stream.
  4. i think we need a ruling from caliber on fiftyone vs. fifty-one vs. fifty one or something, while I avoid starting my work day
  5. I like the newbies being all cool and dropping the eff-bomb every other post. nice show chaps.
  6. just checked it out of the library, thanks.
  7. nope, but I'll look it up and, duh, I know.
  8. shrug. you're the expert. whadda I know? I just meditate and pedal. Both things that can change your life.
  9. i just rented it. but it's long for a sunday night and I was trying to decide if I wanted to bother of push it off for some other weekend. will it potentially alter my misanthropic nature (i.e. change my life?)
  10. bobbob said it was 42. I think edie is holding out
  11. because life is incomplete without social stratification in all things christ, beltmann
  12. I wish the intro to walken was a bit 'feat-er' than it is, and the album could end with what light, though on and on isn't all that bad....I don't love the intro though. Other than that so far it seems like a pretty solid album to me.
  13. so, wait. fuck pitchfork for a review they haven't written yet?
  14. there are a lot of things that suck. this is not one of them.
  15. hmm. I have a vbr rip of something that does not sound like a web cast.
  16. i think it was gone already. unless someone else put it up. I reported it it felt good
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