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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. I'm still hoping for a PM on the Way! from you
  2. I used to have the audio package (the first season it came out). back then it was like 10 or 15 bucks. It was pretty kick ass though they black anything out then. if I was on the road I could listen to the home team no problem. it would seems worthless to me in just about any other circumstance.
  3. history has demonstrated that almost every decent band ultimately reforms to live out the glory days/cash in. that puts the potential uncle tupelo reunion in the eventually-likely category. but these things don't usually happen until the participants are on the down slope of creating great material so I'd wait a bit before holding my breath.
  4. there's going to be music where the holes were
  5. Spawn's dad


    i think if you took the time to consider what that actually says you'd see it probably doesn't convey what you intend it to.
  6. last check we lived in America. a significant portion of the people are clearly retarded
  7. if spain were closer I'd totally see that
  8. if obama could get pigeon kara to quit spamming me I'd be his best friend and vote for him
  9. once you start name calling you've already demonstrated that you have nothing to say. time to get the kid to school and start the day. have a party people.
  10. awesome. thanks for weighing in. he also has no national campaign experience either. but lets not let that get in the way of reality. i think obama is a clever ruse at this point. he gets some national exposure for a run somewhere down the road and he attracts a lot of attention away from whomever finally gets the nod. oh, and I'm rubber and you're glue......
  11. "a lot" meaning liberal people who post on message boards?
  12. but he only wins if some of those people who might not normally vote Democratic vote for him. He loses a state or two close because of his name or skin color and there's anoter good old boy in the white house. I say this ain't the time to be farting around trying to prove good principled points.
  13. KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Larry Stewart, a millionaire who became known as Secret Santa for his habit of roaming the streets each December and anonymously handing money to people, died Friday. He was 58. Stewart died from complications from esophageal cancer, said Jackson County Sheriff Tom Phillips, a longtime friend. Stewart, who spent 26 years giving a total $1.3 million, gained international attention in November when he revealed himself as Secret Santa. He was diagnosed in April with cancer, and said he wanted to use his celebrity to inspire other people to take random kindness seriously
  14. between this, off season baseball salaries, and the rapid increase of people driving hummers I've clearly made some poor career choices
  15. soccer may even get both of those hockey fans! I've been reading other boards (sports and otherwise) and it seems by most accounts beckham is well past his prime at an age where the best midfielders are just coming into theirs, and was by many accounts over rated to begin with. This is in response to (yet again) the previously posted idea that he's the most talked about sports star in the world. I can't get enough of that.
  16. still I say that's less the issue than it's not a home grown sport
  17. plenty of people appreciate a 0-0 pitcher's duel, dammit
  18. i think you're making my point for me. how many games did you go to, and how many did you go to this year. a short term phenomenon doesn't translate into the zeitgeist necessary for a sport to inhabit the psyche of a culture. we're simply not geared towards sporting events we didn't create or were pivotal in popularizing.
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