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Everything posted by uncool2pillow

  1. Obama's in town today (Des Moines). I think he brought the National and Chris Cornell with him.
  2. Much more proud of my 2nd concert. The Police on their Synchronicity tour. 7th grade.
  3. I don't think Eastwood was in bad taste. In a sense, it reminded me of Bob Newhart's old phone call routines. It could have had potential, it was just so poorly executed. It was as though he wandered out on stage and right then decided he might as well say something.
  4. So far as I can tell from the evidence, you've never made a bad choice in your life when it comes to music and movies.
  5. Here's a couple from that conservative rag, the Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/obamas-new-attacks-on-romney-and-outsourcing/2012/06/29/gJQA5FbbCW_blog.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/4-pinocchios-for-obamas-newest-anti-romney-ad/2012/06/20/gJQAGux6qV_blog.html Here's another thing that's beginning to anger me. Apparently, Chris Matthews called the "Chicago" references made my Romney and others thinly veiled racism. That is, IMO, pure horseshit. Chicago references have everything to do with corrupt, cutthroat machine po
  6. I'm pretty sure it was this, sad to say. I was probably 9.
  7. This will make the list next Tuesday. Streaming on Rolling Stone.
  8. Monday was on Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning.
  9. I was born in August of 1970, so I didn't get to experience the thrill of Apollo 11 firsthand, but wow. I think The Onion said it best.
  10. Wow, couldn't disagree more about the live experience. Based upon what I'd been told, I was kinda expecting what you describe. I'd missed them at their rawest prime and they were now basically the bluegrass Jonas Bros. I saw them at Des Moines' 80/35 festival and was completely blown away. I'm not sure I'm terribly about the new record, mostly because of the production, not the songs. I&L&Y has some great songs, but Rubin made them a bit too slick for my taste.
  11. You miss my point entirely. I don't think that's what Dems believe, but that's how a republican might label a democrat to sound negative the way you labeled Republican views. To try to answer your questions quickly, I'm tired. 1. Yes and yes, so let's consider nuclear among other non carbon energy sources. 2. Where that is the real motive (in Iowa the republican secretary of state and dem atty gen are working together to purge voter rosters) they're asses. 3. Yes, but govt intrusion to stop things like this have other negative effects. 4. See answer #3. Only less so here. There are ways
  12. I try to reply with the same amount of respect each post shows. When you define your opponent by your terms, I find that disrepectful. It's exactly the tactics that Limbaugh and FoxNews use. And IRDB, it doesn't really say anything that's wrong, but it's on the wording and the connotation. For example, I could twist it around to say democrats believe in the environment before jobs.
  13. I hate typing on iPads btw. And of course it sounds close to you. I could make a similar list of what Republicans say Dems stand for and what we say we stand for, but it's an insult to your and my intelligence.
  14. Candidate are not beholden to every plank of the platform. This is really such a bad an stupid straw an argument it doesn't warrant any more of a response than that. You define yourself and your opponents by the terms you find most appealing. This is FoxNews level discussion now.
  15. I call myself a Republican becuase they narrowly (quite narrowly) are closer to my views than Democrats. I feel like I'm more of an independent, but I want to participate in primaries and caucuses. I don't have to acknowledge or agree with anything.
  16. No I don't. It's the views of the activists who are committed to going to district, state, and national conventions; not the rank and file. I'd have to think a while to say absolute worst, but if not, it's damned close.
  17. Platforms are meaningless. Republican politicians (or Democrats too if any signed) value Grover Norquist's anti-tax pledge way more than their party platform. But, yeah, there's some crazy shit in it. The state ones get even goofier. A lot of the worst crap gets filtered out at the national level.
  18. Sorry to go off topic, but I was so shocked at that story. Take the Clemens discussion over tonte real baseball thread.
  19. I've been to four 1. Wrigley 2. Kaufman - A big pleasant surprise, and this was before the recent improvements. 3. Metrodome - ugh... 4. Met Stadium (Twins stadium before dome). I was 5, I don't really remember it. I seem to remember relief pitchers coming from the bullpen in a convertible. As I type this Roger Clemens is on Baseball Tonight pitching for the independent league. WTF??
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